Meeting Date and Time
- The TSWG holds a plenary meeting once every month on the first Tuesday.
- There are two editions of the plenary meeting to accommodate global time zones:
- The NA/EU edition is at 08:00-09:00 PT / 16:00-17:00 UTC.
- The APAC edition is at 14:00-15:00 PT / 22:00-23:00 UTC.
- See the ToIP Calendar for all meeting dates, times and logistics, including Zoom links.
- We will produce one consolidated set of meeting notes for both editions together.
- Where it is helpful, the notes will indicate which notes were taken in which meeting.
Zoom Meeting
- NA/EU edition:
- APAC edition:
Time | Agenda Item | Lead | Notes |
3 min |
| Chairs |
10 min | General announcements | All | Updates from TSWG members of general interest to the group: From the Ecosystem and Governance WG: Their Feb 6th meeting (8AM PT / 16:00 UTC) will be on Switchchord’s migration from did:web to did:webS. Their presentation will provide a practical look at Switchchord’s migration from did:web to did:webS.Cole Davis (Switchchord), Jonathan Rayback (Future Forge), and Lance Byrd (GLEIF) will demonstrate how did:webS builds on familiar web-based methods with added security and flexibility through the KERI key management protocol. The discussion will also highlight real-world applications, including integration with GLEIF’s vLEI, offering insights for those navigating decentralized identity systems in complex workflows. Drummond shared that the Global Acceptance Network (GAN) will be launching a new site under it's new brand at Davos, starting with a webinar on Thursday Jan 16th. Drummond also shared that there is a growing amount of decentralized identity industry activity around personhood credentials, including an DARPA convened workshop in early February. He highly recommends reading this paper published last August: Personhood Credentials: Artificial intelligence and the value of privacy-preserving tools to distinguish who is real online. APAC Jo Spencer shared that the UNTP (United Nations Transparency Protocol) is becoming an approved process for supply chain transparency in June 2025. So this can help boost the supporting protocols/capabilities for UNTP. |
7 min | Review of action items from the previous meeting | Chairs |
Not done, move to February
Not done, move to February
Not done, move to February
Carry forward
Partially done. Hart Montgomery gave me the contact info and now we need to follow through. Here are the two contact addresses:
Is any TSWG member willing to volunteer to follow up on this repo management action item? ACTION: Drummond Reed to talk to Hart Montgomery on Thursday to arrange repo management support. Jeff Braswell is willing to help. Jo Spencer is also willing to be contributor. |
20 min | Task Force Reports | TF Chairs | Technology Architecture TF — Wenjing Chu Drummond Reed
Trust Registry TF — Andor Antti Kettunen Darrell O'Donnell
Trust Spanning Protocol TF — Drummond Reed Wenjing Chu Sam Smith
AI & Metaverse (AIM) Technology TF — Wenjing Chu
High Assurance VIDs TF — Alex Tweeddale Jesse Carter Scott Perry mathieu Andre Kudra Drummond Reed
10 min | Official close of the TSWG-2 and transition to the TSWG-3 | Chairs | See the Copy of 2024-11-15 Email to Technology Stack Working Group Mailing List (pasted in below these notes for easy reference). It explains the set of steps we need to take in today's meeting to move from the 2024 Technology Stack WG (TSWG-2) to the new 2025 Technology Stack WG (TSWG-3). We will need to approve the following set of motions: DECISION #1: The Technology Stack Working Group officially closes the current Working Group and mailing list (referred to as TSWG-2) and agrees to contribute all outstanding deliverables (Working Drafts and Implementers Drafts) to the new Technology Stack WG (referred to as TSWG-3). DECISION #2: The Technology Stack Working Group officially opens the new Working Group and mailing list (referred to as TSWG-3) that will operate under the IPR terms listed below and on the Technology Stack WG home page. There is no other change to the TSWG charter for TSWG-3.
DECISION #3: In addition to the new IPR terms now adopted, the Technology Stack WG adopts the following IPR policy and agrees to give this notice at the start of all TSWG meetings: NOTICE: In addition to the licensing terms of this Working Group’s JDF charter, this Working Group operates under the official policy that any Working Group Participant who makes a contribution to a Draft Deliverable shall have a maximum of 45 days from the date of that contribution to exclude any Essential Claims pertaining to that contribution. DECISION #4: The new Technology Stack WG (TSWG-3) is opened and agrees to accept the contributions from the previous Technology Stack WG (TSWG-2). ACTION: Drummond Reed will inform Michelle Janata of these motions and approval of the new TSWG-3 and to prepare a new mailing list. |
10 min | Priorities for 2025 | If there is time, let's discuss TSWG priorities for the New Year. Drummond suggests that supporting the creation of an industry standard for personhood credentials should one of our priorities. Jo Spencer added that the challenges of being both pseudonymous (when needed) but still accountable is very important. He pointed out a new solution from New Zealand called ZKMe. Drummond agreed that "personhood" is now crossing over from Web3 to Web2 and the mainstream. Which is why it is such opportunity for ToIP in 2025. Jeff is interested in the HAVTF and the concept of bridging between verifiable identifiers. He has been involved with matching identifiers in an LEI context, so was asking about how the HAV architecture works. Jeff explained that, with federated LEI issuers around the world, it was possible for a legal entity to obtain different LEIs from different LEI issuers, so they had to figure out how to detect duplicates. That matching process can be quite complex. Part of GLEIF's approach was to establish matching between LEIs and ISIN and BIC codes. The key to solving that was the the LEI reference data was always public. Jeff pointed out that the problem is much more complex within an organization. Drummond suggested another priority for 2025: collaboration with DIF on two topics:
Rob Aaron agreed and said it would be ideal if both ToIP and DIF could agree on "one lane" for verified messaging. APAC Jo Spencer pointed out that the growth of AI agents will also push us more into both Organization ID and to IoT and device ID. And that this will be essential to supply chain, in which interest in trust solutions is growing quickly. It involves not just product passports, but the full provenance of who is making the assertions. | |
5 min |
| Chairs |
Screenshots/Diagrams (numbered for reference in notes above)
Copy of 2024-11-15 Email to Technology Stack Working Group Mailing List
=Drummond, Kevin, Wenjing and Dan
- Sample Decision Item
Action Items
- Sample Action Item
- DECISION #1: The Technology Stack Working Group officially closes the current Working Group and mailing list (referred to as TSWG-2) and agrees to contribute all outstanding deliverables (Working Drafts and Implementers Drafts) to the new Technology Stack WG (referred to as TSWG-3).
- DECISION #2: The Technology Stack Working Group officially opens the new Working Group and mailing list (referred to as TSWG-3) that will operate under the IPR terms listed below and on the Technology Stack WG home page. There is no other change to the TSWG charter for TSWG-3.
Copyright mode: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0.
Patent mode: W3C Mode (based on the W3C Patent Policy).
Source code: Apache 2.0, available at
- DECISION #3: In addition to the new IPR terms now adopted, the Technology Stack WG adopts the following IPR policy and agrees to give this notice at the start of all TSWG meetings:
NOTICE: In addition to the licensing terms of this Working Group’s JDF charter, this Working Group operates under the official policy that any Working Group Participant who makes a contribution to a Draft Deliverable shall have a maximum of 45 days from the date of that contribution to exclude any Essential Claims pertaining to that contribution.
- DECISION #4: The new Technology Stack WG (TSWG-3) is opened and agrees to accept the contributions from the previous Technology Stack WG (TSWG-2).
Action Items
- ACTION: Drummond Reed to reach out to Karen from Certizen to join the HAVTF and/orhave other Certizen X.509 experts join.
- ACTION: Drummond Reed to talk to Hart Montgomery on Thursday to arrange repo management support. Jeff Braswell is willing to help. Jo Spencer is also willing to be contributor.
- ACTION: Drummond Reed will inform Michelle Janata of these approval of the new TSWG-3 and to prepare a new mailing list.