- URL Configuration
- Henk van Cann said this is possible in a few ways, including a DNS CNAME. Asked Brian Richter for help.
- Drummond Reed said that any link to the first URL, including an anchor, should redirect to the second URL, plus the anchor. Forwarders have to be designed and made operational and also put a burden on future maintenance.
Concerning this there was a question of Brian Richter
A. whether we'd prefer to use glossary.trustoverip.org rather than trustoverip.github.io/glossary and onwards glossary.trustoverip.org/#term:acdc for the permanent links to the latest version of that term definition (example 'acdc').
B. Note: currently, we use https://trustoverip.github.io/ctwg-main-glossary/#term:acdc . We'll try to redirect this URL to the URL chosen under A.
Slack discussion
@DrummondReed: Elevating our glossary to the DNS subdomain level would — I believe — give us the best chance at long-lived links (because that link doesn’t rely on github). If you and other CTWG members agree, then my vote would be for glossary.trustoverip.org/#term:name. What does everyone think?
@EricScouten: I'm a big fan of this approach. Own your own data, my friends!
@HenkvanCann: I am a proponent of glossary.trustoverip.org/#term:name if it's doable.
Decision: glossary.trustoverip.org is preferable
@DrummondReed:What do we need to do (technically) to “make it so”? Also, in addition to http://glossary.trustoverip.org/#term:name, it would IMHO be ideal if http://glossary.trustoverip.org/#name worked as well. I believe the latter could just link to the heading for the term (if all headings were automatically bookmarks, which I believe is how Spec-Up works).
- @HenkvanCann: This is the question I asked @Brian Richter. I think that http://glossary.trustoverip.org/#name can cause ambiguity with a "normal" header with the same name as a term. But I am not sure. We have to delve into this.
Decision: ?