Judith Fleenor kicked off the meeting and presented to agenda and the anti trust policy. Judith Fleenorreviewed the agenda and then shared updates for up-coming events and special topic presenters across our working groups. Judith Fleenor mentioned an introduction to our newest Steering Committee Member and the budget ref-recast and budget review. Lastly she mentioned we'll discuss toward the end of the meeting our up-coming meetings.
Approval of Minutes
Judith Fleenor presented a resolution to approve the minutes from the previous two Steering Committee meetings (Exhibit A) January 12th and solicited questions from the group. There were no questions or objections.
Judith Fleenor indicated that consensus had been reached and the following resolution was approved:
RESOLVED: That the minutes of the January 12th, 2021 of the Steering Committee, in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A, is hereby confirmed, approved, and adopted.
Membership Review and New Member Introductions
Judith Fleenor presented a list of new contributor members. There is one new Steering Committee members--Monikee, so no approval required. Roberto Griggio introduced himself and shared some details about his company and some of the work they do and vendors they support. They participate in the decentralization since 2018, following the identity trust model as a POC to illustrate to their customers. He went on to introduce his colleague Mattia Zago who is a Solutions Architect with a focus on cyber security and AI. They are focusing on "coddles integration" for system admins and they support protocols and are a certified SCIMa. They are able to connect classic password flow to input and user binding to end user, fully authenticated. They believe they can bring useful knowledge and experience with "legacy" centralized and federated identity. They look forward to collaborating with the ToIP Foundation. @DrummondReed, John Jordan and Andre Kudra welcomed them and thanked them for their support.
Budget Reforecast
Judith Fleenor shared an illustration of the budget details for the re-forecast of the for the remainder of the year and called out the specific details that will be directly impacted. She shared the increase for the promotional items and meetups to $3000, conference sponsorship $1400, additional funding for trademark to $8000, G&A to $32,325, leadership from $144,000 to extend Judith's contract, PMO to $80,000 and staff travel to $30,000. This puts our overall budget from $241,875 to $348,725. Drummond Reed supports the new budget and shared that he is in favor to make these adjustments
Judith Fleenor called for approval and there were no objections so this has been adopted and approved for the remainder of the year. Elisa Trevino will submit to Finance for approval.
Steering Committee Elections
Judith Fleenor introduced the updates for the Steering Committee details regarding the representative terms that are in place for the Foundation. She shared the details and explained that we're now in a position to re-vote for new terms. She shared that we formally elect these members as voting members for committee elections. No objections were announced and this was formally adopted. A few typos were called out, spelling of MITRE and Esatus. Judith Fleenor took note and will update the slide.
Membership Fees & Structure
Judith Fleenor introduced the members to lead the discussion for membership changes. Bryn Robinson-Morgan will be presenting the groups recommendations for consideration. A copy was sent out and shared with the Steering Committee in advance of the meeting. He went on to share that they're focused on illustrating the value proposition to help illustrate this across the different level of commitment and membership. The initial slide shows the ToIP Mission and Strategy across each membership level. He specifically called out that we should consider adding a voting member from the General Membership level to help drive engagement via nomination to represent this segment of our membership levels. Drummond Reed mentioned that he likes this idea, but mentioned we may be challenging our efforts to promote General Members to Steering Members, but Bryn Robinson-Morgan mentioned they want to leverage Contributor memberships to General Membership by adding this benefit.
Bryn Robinson-Morgan went on to the Conduct of Business that illustrates the working groups and task force engagement and benefits per membership level. They created an idea of "Advisory Groups" that will offer a mediation role for approval and engagement to help drive decisions quickly. This role helps set working group and task force objectives and recommend deliverables for approval. They would also meet quarterly to enable SC members to have more specialist guidance in the approval of deliverables.
The final benefits are titled Marketing and Communication remains largely the same, but also illustrates the benefits across the three membership levels. The idea here is to leverage logo display opportunities as well as event/conference attendance based on membership as a benefit. Bryn Robinson-Morgan went on to demonstrate how we expand out memberships with 24 large/medium memberships, 10 small and 1 general member. He presented the details for cost bump based on the number of employees and details for price increase over the next two years. The raise would go from $20k to $35k (2023) to $50k (2024) for our largest Steering Committee members. Scott Perry brought up the idea of having a cost for Contributor Membership to contribute but not on a mandatory basis, but provide them an option to contribute as they would like to based on their sponsorship contributions. Drummond Reed mentioned having some specific activities that these additional funds would be directed to, in order to better illustrate the value for their contribution. Bryn Robinson-Morgan went on to mentioned that we can do a better job illustrating the LF membership benefits to further demonstrate the overall value. He went on to mentioned that the additional Sponsorship opportunities, as an example, the effort for ISO efforts to deliver this across the finish line by directing those funds to a specific sponsorship fund. He shared a graph that illustrates the two options, Platnium or Gold Sponorship funds. He mentioned that we could have an Advisory group that would be the primary participating folks to engage in those type of events. He shared the numbers based on organization size that range from $50k to $10k.
Drummond Reed asked if there's a set of Advisory Committees? Bryn Robinson-Morgan said that we should align them to the WGs, but we need to figure out the structure for this is we see the value in it to implement.
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