- Updated order of the "dry" principles based on the history of internet itself.
- Jo Spencer commented on the "End-to-end Principle" regarding that 'ends' will be different depending on the layer. In general each principle will have it's specific implementation on each specific layer
- Wenjing Chu commented that he has updated the Principle #2 following raised comments. Jo Spencer it is about the simplification of the design in the most important layer.
- Relation between Principle #2 and #3 - Drummond Reed
- Terminology clarification - Wenjing Chu - in Principle #5 "Cryptographic Verifiability"
- None
Action Items
- ACTION: Neil Thomson to work on a second draft of Principle #15.
- ACTION: Drummond Reed will take a second pass on Principles #5 - #7.
- ACTION: Drummond Reed to give feedback on his suggestion about mental models to Rieks Joosten.
- ACTION: Jacques Bikoundou to write a proposed draft of digital wallet principles.
- ACTION: Drummond Reed to contact Elisa about scheduling another meeting.
- ACTION: ALL—try to finish all section contributions by Thursday Sept 23.