To be added by Elisa Trevino
Action Items:
- Action Items from this meeting to be added by Elisa Trevino
Action Items from previous meetings: - Past Action Item: Scott Perry and David Lucatch volunteered to work on Trademark registration recommendations.
- Past Action Item: Judith Fleenorto work with Indicio on getting ToIP content into their Indy/Arise workshop.
- Past Action Item: Drummond Reed to create a Co-Branding Policy and work with Scott Perryto create a Co-branded version of out templates.
- Past Action Item: Drummond Reedto create a BLOG about the OIX MOU when that MOU has been created and approved by both SCs. Judith Fleenorto follow-up with Nick Mothershaw. Judith Fleenorto continue to follow-up with Jory on the re-write and resubmit to SC.
- Past Action Item: Daniel Bachenheimersaid help with a BLOG about mDL and VCs.
- Past Action Item: Judith Fleenorto coordinate with Kaliya Youngand Chris Kelly about Cross Collaboration on papers and communications after Thanksgiving.
- Past Action Item: Judith Fleenorto add event schedule topic to the next Comms Meeting agenda.