- The TSWG holds a plenary meeting once every four weeks on Tuesdays. The 2024 meeting dates are: 23 Jan, 20 Feb, 19 Mar, 16 Apr, 14 May, 11 June, 9 July, 6 Aug, 3 Sept, 1 Oct, 29 Oct, and 26 Nov.
- The meeting is at 08:00-09:00 PT / 15:00-16:00 UTC.A report-out on
- the meeting will be given at the weekly TSWG APAC meeting the following The TSWG holds an APAC meeting every Wednesday at 18:00-19:00 PT / 0201:00-0302:00 UTC. This meeting is a consolidated report-out and discussion across all TSWG Task Forces.
- See the ToIP Calendar for all meeting dates, times and logistics, including Zoom links.
Zoom Meeting Link / Recording
- NA/EU Plenary Meeting (once every four weeks): https://zoom.us/j/99489737636?pwd=eTN1OHZZTEZKVityVlFmMThOSnlZdz09
- APAC Meeting (every week): https://zoom.us/j/96772881287?pwd=bzZUNXRhVUNzVjR2Z3B2cVVxc2ZUZz09
(These links will be replaced with a link to the recording of the meetings as soon as it is they are available.)