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August 05, 2022


Judith Fleenor brought up the room set-up and microphones for the summit and recommended we have two additional microphones for the conference. We're pending information for the cost of the additional resources and Alex will connect to get pricing and details to shared with the Steering Committee. Judith Fleenor continued with the validation of the credentials for attendees to earn and asked the committee what they would recommend on beer or swag. Alex Walz mentioned that swag seems like the most simple to execute. Daniel Bachenheimer also mentioned that it may be complicated for the beer and agrees that swag is an easier option to execute. Judith Fleenor mentioned we don't have a budget and asked Alex to check with Jana on the alcohol for the end of the summit. 

Up-Coming Communication Committee MeetingAction Items:

Judith Fleenor  asked Alex to work on the Editorial Calendar and he mentioned that he can prioritize this in October. Elisa Trevino to send out an email to SC on tag line ideas for the foundation.

Action Items:

  • Alex Walz to provide recommendation on video content material for multi-use purpose.
  • Drummond and Nick to meet with team regarding Dan's feedback on Open Identity blog/topic. Judith recommended Bryn and IVRamp (Karl or Mike) join the conversation; Drummond to schedule meeting.
  • Judith to draft a letter for the SB1190 and Scott Perry to review
  • Alex Walz will work with Judith to create a description for the event for the Mini Summit
  • What's the location for the OSS Europe? Dublin IE 13-16 September
  • Judith to get a list of attendees for IIW for a mini cocktail event in advance of the conference
  • Judith to connect with Andre to see if there's an opportunity to organize an event for community members who are not attending the event, but are local to the community.
  • Judith to follow up with Sophia about a trial run
  • Trademark Meeting needs to be rescheduled with Daniel and John in attendance 

Action Items from previous meetings: