1. Editorial Calendar - update
- Ajay Madhok presented a preliminary plan for monthly themes that can be used to sequence webinars, posts and other modular content. The calendar can be viewed a Table of Contents for topics related to digital trust and the ToIP model.
- It will be important to take a “Story Spine” approach to content that demonstrates how the ToIP model solves problems that are relevant to the target audience.
- Will Groah observed observed that the calendar provides an opportunity for many members to get involved in content creation. It breaks the ToIP message down into a sequence that builds in an understandable direction.
- Kimberly Linson asked what the intended audience will be for this ToIP content?
- John Jordan suggested that suggested decision makers in the public and private sectors represented an important target audience, who need to better understand the key questions they should be asking about systems being pitched to them, represent an important target audience.
- Dan Gisolfi suggested correlating each monthly theme with deliverables to support our Q1 priorities emphasize the consumability of ToIP content.
- John Jordan observed that communications materials should allow people to drill into the 4-layer stack and better understand how the decisions they are trying to make are reflected in the model.
- David Lucatch described ToIP products a series of thematic presentations that all point back to a consistent set of core messages and a story-based narrative people can relate to.
- ...
2. Strategy - elements