- Ajay Madhok introduced two key elements that will contribute to the completion of the Communications Strategy.
- First, adopting a messaging “prism” approach will help ToIP deliver many messages to many audiences, striving to maintain a high level of relevance to a variety of actors in the public and private sectors. Our offer must consistently match the set of problems that our audience views as important - sustained relevance.
- Second, taking a modular approach to producing content will lead to structurally rich, re-usable and adaptable pieces. ToIP should ai to produce micro-content in the form of modular building blocks, each with standalone value, that can be combined and assembled in different ways for different purposes - curated storyboards.
- Drummond Reed asked how we can operationalize this advice to produce both the Strategy and content/products.
- Ajay Madhokindicated that the Vice-Chairs would meet next week (Jan 25-29) to further develop the framework for a strategy and the editorial calendar.
- Will Groah added that this work will help clarify how priority deliverables can be reflected in the themes presented in the calendar.
- David Lucatch suggested moving quickly to create a “message map” so that ToIP can start increasing its visibility in the market.
- Drummond Reed recommended the Good Health Pass as a possible topic for a webinar or event in February.
- Wenjing Chu commented that messaging needs to map clearly back to ToIP’s mission and goals. This should take the form of a clear understanding, when people attend one of our events or consume our material, of what action we are proposing they take.
3. Logo usage policy
- David Luchuk presented a draft logo usage policy for discussion, based on principles put forward by the Linux Foundation in their existing trademark policy.
- Will Groah asked whether there will be a need for ToIP to trademark its logo.
- Dan Gisolfi observed there is a cost associated with taking that step that needs to be considered. Is it worth the time and money?
- David Lucatch suggested taking an approach that KABN has used in the past to reduce the cost of trademarking.
- David Luchuk to follow up with Linux Foundation about draft policy and repot back.
4. Communications products - contract update
- ...David Luchuk advised that progress
Action items
- ..Vice-Chairs to continue working on Editorial Calendar and key elements of Strategy
- David Luchuk will share the draft logo usage policy with Unix Foundation for comment.