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January 21, 2022




10 min

BLOG Updates and Approvals

Judith Fleenor
15 minAction Item UpdatesJudith Fleenor
3 minPermaLinks for our DeliverablesJudith Fleenor
2 minRosie DemoJudith Fleenor
2 minDID Conference Korea
5 minEvent Schedule Judith Fleenor
5 minWiki GardeningJudith Fleenor
2 minLinkedIn Cover Photo Judith Fleenor
5 minOther Item Updates
As time allowsOpen DiscussionAll




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nameCommunications Committee - Agenda 012122.pdf


Judith Fleenor initiated the meeting with a review of the AntiTrust policy and then ran through the agenda. Judith Fleenor GLIEF blog has been approved and we're awaiting approval from GLEIF team. They're working to align timing of release currently for end of January, then we will have @AlexMetcalf post on our website. Daniel Bachenheimer mentioned Drummond Reed made a few minor updates on the most recent blog and Judith Fleenor specified the title may need to be more appealing and asked for feedback from the Communication Committee. Judith Fleenor proposed we allow Drummond Reed and John Jordan to decide on title of blog.  Judith Fleenor proposed a quick turnaround for the ToIP Foundation its First Official Governance Specification be approved quickly with a one day turnaround to be posted Monday January 24th, 2022. Judith Fleenor proposed GSWG and EFWG Blogs. John Jordan mentioned a blog called The Missing Link as areas for us to discuss and address in 2022. Chris Ingrao (Deactivated) suggested a quarterly blogs to include content to help drive traction for the community to recognize the ToIP community and the work we're doing. He wants to help announce our outputs but also consolidate and share what's happening industry wide. John Jordanagrees this is a good idea and mentioned that BC Government and this is something he's looking to do within his own work community and agrees this is a good idea for our ToIP Quarterly RoundupJudith Fleenor asked if anyone is interested in joining this effort?

Deliverables action items were shared and Elisa Trevino provided updates on the AutoJoin process and the calendar invite for an upcoming meeting to discuss our website updates. Judith Fleenorprovided an update on the 


John Jordan proposed 2022 as the Year of Adoption as the focus for 2022. John Jordan believes this can help us tie things back to the ToIP model.

Action Items:

@JudithFleenor to send a note to the Comms slack channel regarding their input for the LinkedIn cover photo.
