Co-Chair: Dan Gisolfi (IBM)
Co-Chair: André Kudra (esatus)
Co-Chair: Vinod Panicker (Wipro)
Vice-Chair: Cameron Boozarjomehri (MITRE)
Vice-Chair: Mathieu Glaude (Northern Block)
Vice-Chair: Sandeep Krishnappa (Infoeaze Digital Services)
How to join
You can join this WG by signing up for the Foundation mailing list at lists.trustoverip.org. Our mailing list is utility-foundry-wg@lists.trustoverip.org.
Members as well as observers are welcome (with the important caveat below).
For the protection of all Members, participation in working groups, meetings and events is limited to members, including their employees, of the Trust over IP Foundation who have signed the membership documents and thus agreed to the intellectual property rules governing participation. If you or your employer are not a member, we ask that you not participate in meetings by verbal contribution or otherwise take any action beyond observing.
invite to the meeting, please join the Utility Foundry Working Group mailing list by going to https://lists.trustoverip.org/ (where you can log in with your ToIP Foundation mailing address).