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Table of Contents

GSWG P&R Meeting 7 October 2020


Recording can be found here


  1. Welcome and Introduction
    1. Introductory notes from Scott
      1. Suggestion: GS1 Usse Cases can be used to pressure test
      2. Q. Do credential holders need to know the classification like x509 credentials, or something more industry-specific?
        1. A. It helps to understand and group credentials based on certain needs according to check-list but it's no mandatory to state which level they require.
      3. Q. What does an enterprise need from ToIP given there are so many existing frameworks. Is the value a risk classification process?
        1. A. See Master Credential Policy Template for Issuers of Verifiable Credentials
          1. Policies (requirements) are linked to Credentials
          2. Ecosystem policies drive requirements
      4. Q. Does ToIP have to incorporate other governing bodies existing documentation?
        1. A Possibly?
      5. X509 vs digital credentials
        1. Private key management is handled by Issuers in digital (listen to Drummonds comments at 50 minutes into the call)
      6. Q. How to prioritize which processes & roles need to be addressed first (55 min.s)
        1. A. Needs to be based on the Working Groups' Requirements
  2. Review the purpose and content of documents in work for Task Force
    1. Classes of Credentials
    2. Layer Roles
    3. Layer Processes
    4. Master Credential Policy 
  3. Discuss needs to move documents to next level
    1. Doc review
    2. Doc structure changes into ToIP design templates
    3. Doc editing
    4. Individual doc needs
      1. Classes of Credentials
        1. Research other generally accepted guidance 
        2. Challenge number of classes and their ratings
      2. Layer Roles/Processes
        1. Combine roles/processes by layer? TOIP Governance - Processes and Roles. V.0001.png Ken Adler (Deactivated)
        2. Review credential policy and map to roles/processes
        3. Outreach to to ToIP and other groups for additions/edits
      3. Master Credential Policy
        1. Add current W3C thinking about verifiable credentials controls in place or under consideration
        2. Pressure test need for section for Class 3 credentials
        3. Pressure test need for section for Class 2 credentials
    5. TF Member task signup
  4. Should Identity and Verifiable Risks be moved to working draft AND added to the P&R TF?

GSWG P&R TF Kickoff Meeting -


30 July 2020


Presentation Deck can be found here
