2. Press Release - Good Health Pass Strategy
- Good Health Pass Collaborative will be announced on Feb 9. Trust over IP has provided a quote from John Jordan for the announcement and will be hosting a Taskforce to develop an ecosystem governance framework.
- David Lucatch from KABN has offered for the PR/Communications firm that work with KABN to develop a Trust over IP announcement to align with the launch.
- Charles Walton recommended that the Trust over IP announcement be pushed back by 1-2 weeks to allow the work of the Taskforce to mature and better understand the work that will take place. The Trust over IP announcement can then be positioned as a call-to-action for the market rather than simply mirroring the Good Health Pass press release..
- Drummond Reed and David Lucatch expressed agreement with this suggestion.
- Daniel Bachenheimer asked whether the
3. Member request - interview - ToIP in India