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2020-11-18 Meeting 


Remarks from John Jordan

  • The charter for the Human Experience Working Group was posted for review on the wiki and has now been approved by the Steering Committee.
  • This important success provides our Foundation with a way of understanding how to design the experience of establishing digital trust for people using devices and interfaces of many kinds.
  • It also gives us an opportunity to bring new voices into our community who may not currently have the means to participate in ToIP.

Human Experience Working Group (HXWG)

  • Kimberly Linson presented the principles and approach developed by a small team of ToIP members who set up the Human Experience Working Group.
  • The intent is for the HXWG team to meet with, and act as a resource for, all other Working Groups.
  • In addition to making people-centred design the “glue” between governance and technology stacks in the ToIP model, the HXWG aims to bring excluded people and communities into the process of creating applications.
  • They are asking for project ideas by December 4 (by completing the Project Request Form) so that work can begin in January 2021.

Healthcare Ecosystem - Lumedic announcement

  • Chris Ingrao introduced The Exchange which is a credential ecosystem that was conceived to supports test and vaccination records related to COVID-19.
  • It has since been expanded to support multiple use cases and a community of patients, providers, advocates and payers to share credentials in healthcare.
  • This example of a Layer 4 ecosystem (based on the ToIP model) aims to help resolve billions of dollars in inefficiency and administrative waste in health services.

CCI Governance Framework

  • Guest presenter Chris Raczkowski (Sovrin Foundation) introduced recent progress on a Governance Framework developed by the COVID Credentials Initiative (CCI) taskforce.
  • The CCI Governance Framework offers an example of the value of ToIP.
  • It has been an open source and community effort to define elements in Layer 3 of the ToIP stack focusing on testing and vaccination results as well as professional accreditation for healthcare professionals in the COVID-19 context.
  • The CCI Governance Framework takes a principles-based approach to avoid conflict with different regulations across jurisdictions. It has reached a stage of development where it can be proposed for adoption and use.

Open Earth Foundation - technical demonstration

  • Martin Wainstein (Open Earth) presented the work of their Foundation, which builds off the Yale University Open Innovation Lab to focus on climate accounting and finance for solar energy, and the role of digital infrastructure in this sector.
  • In the field of climate accounting there is an especially strong need for interoperability and trust in data and systems to allow measurements of emissions in energy systems to be aggregated to the global level.
  • Technical demonstration - Nov 20 (12pm EST) - data schemas that can be used to attest to emissions outcomes in climate accounting.
  • All members encouraged to consider joining this demonstration.

Call-Out for participation 

  • New Digital Research Infrastructure Organization (NDRIO) - Carly Huitema discussed the recent call for white papers launched by the Canadian non-profit organization to better understand the future requirements for research infrastructure.
  • All members encouraged to participate in a meeting (Nov 20) to discuss a possible response from ToIP to this call out.

  • Internet of Things (IoT) - David Luchuk discussed his recent and upcoming meeting with Michael Shea (Sovrin Foundation) about how ToIP can integrate IoT into its model and activities. 
  • All members encouraged to participate in a meeting (Nov 19) to pursue this topic.

Communications - Update

  • David Luchuk discussed on-going effort by members of the Communications Committee to introduce principles, key messages and a common approach to public announcements in a Foundation-wide Communications Strategy.
  • He also introduced the concept of having an “editorial calendar” to produce a regular cycle of re-usable media content.

Operations - update

  • David Luchuk provide an overview of on-going work by Working Group representatives on the Operations Team to complete an update of the wiki and provide support to members (guidance, requirements and tools) for developing ToIP deliverables.
  • Drummond Reed discussed steps in a high-level process that will provide flexibility for members to use a variety of different tools but also a common format for final content submitted for approval/adoption, spanning al of the steps between authoring and publishing. 

2020-10-28 Meeting (Open Conversation/Townhall)


Remarks from John Jordan

  • Following ToIP’s recent participation at the Internet Identity Workshop (Oct 20-22), the release of our Saturn V TIP announcement and requests to collaborate with organizations like Sovrin and OIX, we are drawing significant attention to our work.
  • This is only going to increase as more people turn to us to understand how trust ecosystems work and can solve real-world problems. 
  • Now is the time for members to become actively involved in Working Groups/Taskforces to contribute to the work that needs to get done for us to reach our objectives. 

Internet Identity Workshop (IIW) - ToIP Sessions

  • David Luchuk provided metrics related to IIW - more attendees than ever at 3-day “open space” event, including strong participation from ToIP members who convened and/or led 25% of all sessions.
  • Summary information shared about Some of the sessions called by ToIP members:
    • Digital Trust Ecosystems (Karl Kneis) - highlighted ways in which Trust over IP model is supporting the emergence of ecosystems through GS1, Lumedic, MasterCard, GLEIF, Stanford U.
    • Saturn V TIP (D Luchuk) - emphasized vendor collaboration in testing the ineroperability of elements comprising the newly announced ToIP Interoperability Profile (TIP).
    • Active/Passive Identifiers & OCA (P Knowles) - technical/conceptual discussion focusing on approaches to key signing, governing entities and claim resolution.
    • Asset Ownership Transfer (Kalyan Kulkarni) - explored real-world use cases and experiences from two companies using verifiable credentials to transfer assets.
    • Realizations - diversity and inclusion (D Reed & D O’Donnell) - highlighted on-going fundamental problem in the community around including more diverse voices and perspectives from women, racialized communities, gender non-conforming, indigenous peoples and other traditionally excluded groups.

Internet Identity Workshop (IIW) - Open Discussion

  • Carly Huitema shared that, as a new member of ToIP, the event was an important opportunity to understand the emergence of KERI, the limits of SSI to address social issues (e.g. authoritarianism), strength in diversity and the importance of EDI, and the variety of use cases in the community.
  • Riley Hughes indicated that, after interviewing 30+ business people prior to IIW about the value of verifiable credentials, he has noted that it is difficult to find metrics and high-level patterns around companies using credentials, the issuance and use of wallets, etc. He suggested that ToIP could act as a neutral party to support the sharing of business metrics.
  • Kimberly Linson suggested that IIW filled an important conceptual gap for people who are “beyond 101 but not ready for 401” discussions related to SSI and credentials.
  • Andre Kudra emphasized that the session he led on first-level support for customers drew attention to the need for more collaboration among vendors to address questions and problems that cannot be solved by a single entity. 
  • Daniel Bachenheimer highlighted the importance of biometrics as a topic that was discussed at IIW and could be a point of strong interest for ToIP when considering how to tie a claim to a physical entity.
  • RJ Reiser commended the organization of the virtual “open space” event and the business value of the discussions that took place.

Saturn V TIP

  • Dan Gisolfi discussed the recent announcement of progress toward fully testing the Saturn V TIP and the need for more vendors and collaborators to contribute to the on-going work.
  • Trust over IP and the Technology Stack Working Group are doing more than developing tech and governance models. We are helping the market converge around different kinds of “recipes” for assembling all four layers of the stack.
  • A Trust over IP Interoperability Profile (TIP) is fundamentally about that - presenting a recipe, among many possible recipes, for assembling a complete ToIP stack.
  • Saturn V TIP is one example, assembled through a Taskforce operating under the Technology Stack Working Group, of such a recipe comprised of pieces that work together. But there are many other possible configurations.
  • Vendors need to collaborate together to test these recipes so that TIPs, however many there may eventually be, reflect the market needs and dynamics that must define how they are ultimately used. 
  • Technology Stack Working Groups welcomes new contributors and vendors interested in joining this effort.

Communications Committee - Update

  • David Luchuk indicated that a contract has been issued to develop new communications products that evolve a more sophisticated public message around Trust over IP and its benefits.
  • David Luchuk also advised that a group, led by member Alex Walz, is convening to develop a first draft Communications Strategy for the Foundation.

Operations - Update

  • David Luchuk shared that representatives from Working Groups had begun working on items such as workflow process, dashboards, use of GiutHub and Deliverable guides as part of an Operations team. 
  • New representatives are still required for the Technology Stack Working Group and Concepts & Terminology Working Group.

2020-09-16 Meeting (WG Update Edition)

Agenda & Notes

Remarks from John Jordan

  • John signalled that now is the time to shift our energy as a community toward operations, engaging all embers in the work to be done and focusing on the deliverables ToIP needs to produce.
  • This is how we communicate ToIP to the world - through the work we get done together.
  • Welcome to new steering members, LG CNS and KABN.

Working Group Updates (WG Chairs) 

  • Current-state updates provided on deliverables, work items, focus and challenges for all WGs (see slides in presentation).
  • Common themes that emerged from these presentations include:
    • Need for formal workflow structure and guidance on when/how to use GitHub for deliverables.
    • Strong desire for broader member participation and engagement in developing products.
    • Need for more collaboration and coordination between Working Groups.

Workflow and Horizontal/Operations team 

  • Work underway to formalize a workflow across all WGs.
  • Need to achieve a balance between flexibility for ideation and the certainty that only members are contributing to the concepts and deliverables of the Foundation.
  • Horizontal/Operations team will be established to maintain awareness on work plans and deliverables endorsed by WGs.

Communications Committee Update

  • The Communications Committee is a sub-committee that operates under the Syeering Committee.
  • First meeting has taken place, focusing on key messages for the market, possibility of creating webinar series to explain how TOIP applies in different contexts, need for infographics and easily-consumable products.
  • Members invited to reach out to David Luchuk to get involved.

Research Agenda and Survey 

  • G Laatikainen (Univ of Jyväskylä) has developed an all-member survey and draft paper to identify a research agenda for ToIP based o questions that researchers and practitioners can help the community answer.
  • Call-out to members for volunteers to review these products.

Human Experience Working Group Update

  • Planning meetings for this WG continue to proceed. Official charter has not yet been finalized. 
  • Strong consideration being given to holding facilitated workshops in order to clarify scope of work and opportunities to engage broad viewpoints and voices.

SpecUp walkthrough event 

  • Lightweight and simple editing tool for specs.
  • Demonstration event for ToIP members - Sept 23 at 1pm EST.

2020-08-19 Meeting (Open Conversation Edition)

  • John Jordan gave an update on his medical situation
    • Background and updates are available on this CaringBridge page
    • John expressed that he is very honored to be able to continue as Executive Director
    • It has massively increased his awareness of the requirements for accessibility and usability of ToIP
    • He is particularly excited about the launch of the Human Experience Working Group next month
    • He has not been able to join many WG meetings since his accident, but is hoping to be able to start attending more
    • He introduced Dave Luchuk, our new full-time Program Manager, who John has known for 20+ years
  • Dave, who just started this week, gave an introduction
    • He pointed out that his onboarding to the Linux Foundation
    • Based in Ottawa, he has been a manager for a number of large projects for the Government of Canada
    • His strongest interest, across all the projects he has been a manager for, is how to help
    • His goal is to help all of the members, Working Groups, and Task Forces to achieve their objectives
    • Dave is available to all members for help with anything you need to accomplish your objectives—you can reach him at:
  • Wenjing Chu, Futurewei
    • Gave an overview of why Futurewei is interested in trusted communications
    • Wants to facilitate greater security and privacy in Futurewei's software and services
    • Wants to enable customers to have greater confidence in Futurewei products
    • Is very excited to be part of this community and to drive to establishing trust widely on the Internet
  • Gabriella Laatikainen
    • Very interested in horizontal interoperability of different ToIP network interactions
    • Would like to find other ToIP members who are are interested in cross-network transactions
    • Currently collaborating with the Findy consortium in Finland
    • Anyone interested in this topic is invited to contact Gabriella via Slack or email
    • Would also like to identify other ToIP topics for the research community to focus on
    • For this, Gabriella would like to send a survey link to the members
  • Scott Perry, Scott Perry CPA
    • Co-chair of the Governance Stack Working Group
    • Established a Trust Assurance Task Force within that WG
    • Feels very strongly about the role of trust assurance frameworks
    • Mentioned the role of the Governance Architecture TF as well
  • Kevin Griffin and Philip Feairheller, Scior
    • Focused on issuing verifiable credentials to high schools on their platform to help with the credentialing for college and employment
    • Took their experience and started an open source project called Canis
    • The goal is to allow people to easy spin up a ToIP stack implementation
    • The model is a platform like Kong that helps bring together and coordinate a number of other open source projects to make it easy to deploy
  • Kalyan Kulkarni, Ayanworks
    • Joined ToIP with the goal of getting involved with SSI
    • Has become a co-chair of the Governance Stack WG
    • In India, there is a proposed standard stack (the India Stack) that has been established for citizen and healthcare services -
    • Ayanworks is very interested in how that can be integrated with the ToIP stack
    • He believes that they can influence the government policy there to try 
    • Dave pointed out that as an example of the global reach
    • Drummond asked about specific contact points
    • Kalyan said the NHA (the National Health Authority) is the agency that would be the contact for that
  • Juan Caballero, Decentralized Identity Foundation
    • Does communications and outreach for the Decentralized Identity Foundation
    • Co-chairs the Interop Working Group at DIF
    • Joined ToIP because he's doing research throughout the SSI space
    • Is particularly interested in governance frameworks and the role governance will play
    • Invites questions about collaboration with DIF, the repos, interop projects, etc.
  • We closed the meeting with a reminder that next month's meeting will be in the Report-Out format

2020-07-15 Meeting (Report-Out Edition)

  • Presentation (Google Slides format—includes a summary of all our Working Group and Task Force activity)
  • Zoom recording
  • PDF version of the presentation

2020-06-17 Meeting (Open Conversation Edition)

  • Presentation (Google Slides format—includes introductions to our first four Working Groups and instructions for joining)
  • Zoom recording
  • PDF version of the presentation

  • John Jordan, as the newly appointed Executive Director, explained his proposed overall approach to monthly All-Member meetings.
    • Alternate between two formats
    • One month will be an informal meeting devoted to dialog with the overall membership
    • The next month will be a more structured meeting with report outs from the Steering Committee, Working Groups and Task Forces
  • We have now passed 100 total members
    • 18 Steering
    • 1 Associate
    • 69 Contributors (Organizations)
    • 12 Contributors (Individuals)
  • John announced that the Steering Committee has approved hiring of a full-time Program Manager, Dave Luchuk, under a secondment program with the Government of Canada
    • Dave will start as soon as the paperwork can be completed—hopefully by the end of June
    • That will supplement the great work Todd Benzies has been doing for the Foundation
  • Todd then talked about the collaboration tools that have been set up for Foundation
  • Dan Gisolfi next summarized how we'll be using Github
    • Each WG will determine who the maintainers will be for their repos
    • We are still in the phase of determining the governance rules and processes
    • In the meantime, he asks that all new members learn about using Github — he recommends Github Learning Labs
  • John then shared some thoughts about the overall culture and community within the Foundation
    • Trust is inherently a human experience and a community experience
    • It is very much subject to cultural and local conditions
    • He gave as an example a pharmaceutical safety system in the Province of British Columbia, public identifiers are used in order to build trust, however citizen IDs are not publicly published or shared because that would be a privacy issue. So context is supremely important in trusted interactions.
    • These considerations about the cultural and jurisdictional differences in trust and regulation must be something we deal with across our WGs and TFs
    • He also felt it was important that we have a "responsible sense of urgency" about our mission here. In other words, we shouldn't go too fast, yet we should feel the urgency of solving vital trust issues on the Internet today, as there are many.
    • John then invited questions from the membership via the chat facility in Zoom
  • A question was asked about the TIP (ToIP Interoperability Profile) process
    • Dan Gisolfi explained that ToIP Foundation deliverables include specifications, white papers, best practices, etc.
    • A TIP is not intended to be a full ToIP specification but an interoperability profile that brings together different standards into a full interop
    • He pointed to this page in the Technical Stack WG branch of the wiki to explain the basic idea of a TIP
  • Drummond then explained that he is taking input and putting together a proposal for defining a specific set of artifact types and processes for producing them:
    • TSS (ToIP Standard Specification) — apply to both 
    • TIP (ToIP Interoperability Profile)
    • TST (ToIP Standard Template)
    • TBP (ToIP Best Practices)
  • Jim St. Clair pointed out that in the work he's done in the healthcare industry, you need to be able to point to full SDO-approved standards, so having that long-term focus is a good goal
  • The question was asked about the differences between Working Groups (WGs) and Task Force (TFs)
    • Drummond pointed to this page on the wiki
    • A WG is a formal JDF construct that needs a formal charter and approval by the Steering Committee
    • A TF is a much lighter weight mechanism that can be spun up much more quickly — all that is required at a minimum is a wiki page defining the objective of the TF and how to participate
    • A TF can be larger and deeper if needed, but that should be coordinated with the parent WG or the Steering Committee
  • John answered a question about the longer-term business and sustainability model of the Foundation
  • John answered a question about privacy considerations in our different specs and deliverables
    • The Foundation's role is not to dictate privacy requirements, but to highlight privacy considerations that governance authorities using our specifications and tools should focus on in their governance frameworks
  • Drummond clarified that the ToIP Foundation's role is to define specifications, templates, models, and tools for governance authorities (GAs) to use to develop and implement governance frameworks and developers to create interoperable implementations of the technical components specified by those GFs. 
    • So GAs can and should set their own privacy requirements, not the ToIP Foundation.
  • John closed by thanking the over 50 members who joined the All-Member meeting and inviting them to the next one in July.

2020-05-20 Meeting

  • Presentation (Google Slides format—includes introductions to our first four Working Groups and instructions for joining)
  • Zoom recording
  • PDF version of the presentation

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