2021-01-05 Meeting
2021-01-05 Meeting
Send an email to semantic-domain-wg@lists.trustoverip.org to request a calendar invite (you can subscribe to the mailing list at lists.trustoverip.org).
Guiding Goal: The distinction between data collection, data capture and data exchange
- Welcome (Paul—2.5 mins)
- Newcomer Introductions (WG—2.5 mins)
- Task Force Updates (WG—5 mins)
- Health Care TF (Scott)
- FHIR FG (John)
- Notice & Consent TF (Mark)
- Privacy & Risk TF (Jan)
New group: Inputs Domain Group (Paul/Robert—10 mins)
- Ref.: Inputs Domain Group
- New task force: Storage and Portability TF (Paul/Christoph—10 mins)
- Evolution of OCA (cont.) (Open discussion led by Paul—20 mins)
Human-readable schema specifications (Steven—5 mins)
- Logistics and miscellaneous (Paul—5 mins)
News from the Operations Team
- Nick Nayfack (Group representative)
- Meeting schedule
FHIR FG bi-weekly meeting
- Thursday, January 7th @ 08:00 US PT / 17.00 CET
- Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/93406719136?pwd=SUozZHBQM0N5TUhYMHJqL0ZQM3l3Zz09
- Privacy & Risk TF bi-weekly meeting
- Monday, January 11th @ 09:00 US PT / 18.00 CET
- Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/91264300414?pwd=RndaTGZxeUp0bWt2aUttVU1kZ1FrQT09
- Semantic Domain Group weekly meeting
- Tuesday, January 12th @ 09:00 US PT / 18.00 CET
- Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/93406719136?pwd=SUozZHBQM0N5TUhYMHJqL0ZQM3l3Zz
- Inputs Domain Group weekly meeting
- Wednesday, January 13th @ 09:00 US PT / 18.00 CET
- Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/98093413250?pwd=RnF3ZzBpVS8yNTZzd0tWNS8rZWwvZz09
- Storage & Portability TF bi-weekly meeting
- Monday, January 18th @ 09:00 US PT / 18.00 CET
- Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/96177500988?pwd=cDVNS2JzN1YxYXhiUVprWlM0OGQxQT09
Meeting Notes
Participants (Name / Location / Time zone / Affiliation):
- Paul Knowles / Basel, Switzerland / CET / Human Colossus Foundation
- Robert Mitwicki / Graz, Austria / CET / Human Colossus Foundation
- Jay Fischbach / Toronto, Canada / EDT / KABN
- Neil Thomson / Ottawa, Canada / EDT / QueryVision
- Former user (Deleted) / Stockholm, Sweden / CET / Linaltec
- Steven Milstein / Montreal, Canada / EDT / Colab Ventures
- Burak Serdar / Denver, CO, USA / MDT / Cloud Privacy Labs
- Carly / Guelph, Canada / EDT / University of Guelph, Waterloo Centre of Microbial Research
- Daniel Bachenheimer / Metro Washington, DC / EDT / Accenture
- dlandi / Metro Washington, DC, USA / EDT / Allied Data
- John Wunderlich / Toronto, Canada / EDT / JLINC Labs
- Former user (Deleted) / Dorset, UK / GMT / Kantara Initiative
- Karl Kneis / Cliffside Park, NJ, USA / EDT / idRamp
- Mark Lizar / Toronto, Canada / EDT / Open Consent Group
- Mike Bennett (Deactivated) / Wales, UK / GMT / Freelance Ontologist
Mukund Parthasarathy / Bay Area, CA, USA / PDT / SemanticClarity
- Philippe Page / Geneva, Switzerland / CET / Human Colossus Foundation
- Subra Subramaniam / Bay Area, CA, USA / PDT / CyberKnowledge
- Scott Warner / Bend, OR, USA / PDT / Secours.io
- Scott Whitmire / Scottsdale, AZ, USA / MDT / Mayo Clinic
- Jim StClair / Biloxi, MS, USA / CDT / Lumedic
- Nick Nayfack / San Francisco, CA, USA / PDT / Team Ikigai
Leadership positions:
- Inputs and Semantics WG
- ISWG Lead : Paul Knowles (Human Colossus Foundation)
- Operations Team Group Representative : Nick Nayfack (Team Ikigai)
- Inputs Domain Group
- Chair : Robert Mitwicki (Human Colossus Foundation)
- Vice-Chair : Sam Smith (ProSapien)
- Semantic Domain Group
- Chair : Paul Knowles (Human Colossus Foundation)
- Vice-chair : John Wunderlich (JLINC Labs)
- Medical Information TF
- Chair volunteers
- Mukund Parthasarathy (SemanticClarity)
- John Walker (SemanticClarity)
- Vice-chair volunteers
- Chair volunteers
- Notice & Consent TF
- Chair volunteers
- Mark Lizar (Open Consent Group)
- Salvatore D'Agostino (Open Consent Group)
- Vice-chair volunteers
- Chair volunteers
- Privacy & Risk TF
- Chair volunteers
- Former user (Deleted) (Linaltec)
- Vice-chair volunteers
- Storage & Portability TF
- Chair volunteers
- Christoph Fabianek (OwnYourData)
- Vice-chair volunteers
, multiple selections available,