Summary JTC1 PAS process within ISO

Summary JTC1 PAS process within ISO

Process for acceptance/approval of ToIP developed specifications JTC1 Publicly Available Specifications (PAS)

Using ISO/IEC JTC1 – Information Technology as an example the following describes the submission process.

The JTC1 Publicly Available Specification (PAS) process is used within JTC1 to accept/approve specifications that have been developed by other organizations as JTC1 International Standards.

The PAS process achieves in JTC1 what the Fast Track process achieves for other ISO committees.

The JTC1 PAS process can be initiated by a request from an ISO/IEC JTC1 PAS submitter.

The Joint Development Foundation (JDF) of the Linux Foundation is a recognized ISO/IEC JTC1 PAS submitter.

The current PAS submitter contact at JDF is Scott Nicholas.

Specifications intended for ISO should be developed using the trustoverip/iso-template .

The Executive Director of ToIP and Working Group chairs handle the approvals needed to progress the approval of the specifications at ToIP by the ToIP Steering Committee.

The Executive Director also handles any governance, coordination, etc. required between ToIP and the JDF as ISO/IEC PAS submitters.

The JTC 1 PAS submission as DIS (Draft International Standards) needs a 12-week ballot and 8-week translation process once approved before publication as ISO standards.

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