2021-04-20 Consistent User Experience Drafting Group Meeting Notes


  • Chris Justice
  • Stacey-Ann Pearson
  • Steve Armitage
  • Dan Bachenheimer
  • Hisanori Sato
  • Alessandro Minucci
  • Wang Xiang
  • Eric

Agenda Items

2 minWelcome & Antitrust Policy NoticeRebecca
50 minNew Template Walk Through Rebecca & Stacey-Ann
3 minWrap upChair 



Topic: Good Health Pass - Consistent User Experience
Start Time : Apr 20, 2021 04:58 AM

Meeting Recording:


1. Welcome and Linux Foundation antitrust policy

2. New Template Walk Through 


  • What to do about user journeys (e.g., transfers) - how much content to put into background?
    • What to do about families? Caregivers? Travelers with 
  • Air travel vs. international travel 
    • The focus is really on cross-border requirements (whether it’s land, air, or sea); do we narrow into air travel?
    • Broadly speaking, for cross-border travel 
    • Connections and transit time (ICTS x BLOK)
  • If the system goes down, we need to address this (e.g., carry a paper back-up)
  • If you have to have a different pass for land travel

Two types of verification: digital version of your certificate (real basic); doesn’t give you anything more than paper; get QR code (assume that QR code only generated against rules; tests needed etc.)

  • All of this happens in the background before getting on plane
  • Split in data sources (public vs. private); an airline has verified something on your departure (control authority on the other end will do it again; no link between an airline)

Assumptions around identity binding

  • Excelsior pass presented with ID (verified with ID) 
  • Could decide to use a biometric (if available)
  • UK potentially linking COVID data to passport? Not clear whether they’re accepting verified certificates or still manually want to check this 
  • Should recommend best practices

New questions to discuss:

  • Guardianship and families and assisted travelers 
  • Passes vs. credentials
  • International vs. other types of travel
  • Non-functional requirements 

5. Wrap up 

  • Next steps 

Action Items

  1. Steve/Rebecca to add background information 
  2. All to provide inputs into new draft template