2021-04-13 Consistent User Experience Drafting Group Meeting Notes

2021-04-13 Consistent User Experience Drafting Group Meeting Notes


  • Stacey-Ann Pearson
  • Rebecca Distler
  • Dan Bachenheimer
  • Steve Armitage
  • Bryn Robinson-Morgan
  • Alessandro Minucci
  • Xiang Wang
  • Chris Justice
  • Eric Doherty
  • Viky Manalia
  • Kaliya Young

Agenda Items

2 minWelcome & Antitrust Policy NoticeRebecca Distler
40 minOverview of Identity Binding Recommendations

Bryn Robinson-Morgan

15 min

Blueprint Template Discussion & Assignments

Stacey-Ann Pearson 

3 minWrap UpStacey-Ann Pearson 



Topic: Good Health Pass - Consistent User Experience
Start Time : Apr 13, 2021 04:56 AM

Meeting Recording:


1. Welcome and Linux Foundation antitrust policy

2. Overview of Identity Binding Recommendations

ZONE 1 = Health Service

  • Tech not going to have influence over healthcare delivery process (e.g., ability to ensure identity assurance process at point of care)
  • Started to look at the way the world works; the level of identity verification at point of care is second to a patient getting enrolled into a health system / getting access to a health service
    • Who you are in the first place is fairly low-level of assurance 
  • Go to a clinic and match to patient record (level of assurance is low) - just name and DOB, update medical record
  • Our ability to influence process in Zone 1 is limited; for private testing or services, we can influence some areas (share recommendations)
  • Have to ground recommendations in what happens today, not what should happen

Zone 2 = Credentialing 

  • Lots of private sector providers out there, but no standards exist today
  • Chain of custody is important to understand, but also need to observe where we can influence private sector providers 
  • Health pass providers should plug the gap / be responsible for identity binding; they provide the tools to health service providers in order to influence them  

Zone 3 = Presentation

  • Pass providers should do as much identity binding possible to be able to present to verifiers - if we can present in a consumable way, leads to best user experience
  • Make sure presenter of credential is subject of credential
  • From UX perspective - going to have to cope with differences and build the best user experience on top of that 

General Observations

  • Low assurance in public health system means it's important to introduce identity into health pass itself
  • In private sector, could explore link between vaccinated database and health pass providers, for verification that this person has been vaccinated (higher attestation than photo of vaccine card)
    • Health pass provider could do verification of date of birth name / to turn credential into pass
    • Challenges: Not going to just let anyone connect to oracle or health information system; these systems don't exist in every jurisdiction
    • Some tech providers are talking to the NHS (which is already nervous because it has all of your other health records); not realistic to get vaccination status from real NHS database
  • Need to accept that where our influence is greatest is with the providers of health pass solutions - we can make recommendations to other stakeholders (but to be realistic, can't overly impact the way they work today)
  • All apps are working in different ways, but there needs to be a minimum (DOB and name)
    • Some apps do add a passport number when you get a test (or take a photo); inconsistent
    • Including identity document number and expiration date of document in dataset would be good enough (could be more reliable than matching name and DOB)
    • Could say that, if possible based on context, recommend linking vaccination / PCR test to passport if you’re going to fly internationally
      • No medical institution / doctor wants to collect passport data 
  • If a country has strong identity binding for COVID19 test / vaccines - or if it doesn't - we will not try to influence that. Good health passes need to work with the healthcare systems in place today

3. Blueprint Template Discussion & Assignments

  • How It Works - Steve
  • Functional Interoperability - Xiang + Chris
  • Travel Search Requirements - Stacey + Drummond
  • Obtaining COVID-19 Test / Vaccine - Rebecca
  • Obtaining Credential - Eric
  • Presenting Credential - Steve
  • Independent & Native Verification of Credential - Stacey


Action Items

  1. See blueprint section assignments