2021-04-08 Governance Framework Drafting Group Meeting Notes

2021-04-08 Governance Framework Drafting Group Meeting Notes


  • Co-Leads:Drummond Reed
  • ID2020 PM: Todd Gehrke


  • Drummond
  • Sankarshan
  • Scott Perry
  • Savita Farooqui
  • Jacques BikoundouI
  • Chris Raczkowski
  • Sumiran
  • Savita Faroqui
  • Michael Becker
  • Dave Cassel
  • Kaliya Identity Woman
  • Wenjing Chu

Agenda Items

2 minWelcome & Antitrust Policy NoticeChair
XY minTopic ATBC
XY min

Topic B


XY min Topic C TBC
3 minWrap upChair 

Presentations -2021-04-08 Governance Framework DG Meeting.pdf

(PDFs posted)


1. Welcome and Linux Foundation antitrust policy

Tuesday April 6 2021

  1. [Drummond] Introductions.
    1. Tentative timelines
    2. Reviewed Ecosystem Governance framework
  2. [Savita] Is it inheritance or instantiation?
  3. [Drummond] 
    1. EU Green Cer is a potential candidate for a specific governance framework.
    2. IATA travel pass is an industry specific example of a governance
    3. Concentry from Digime is and example of an application based governance framework
    4. Focus on the meta model document and the glossary. 
    5. Not a requirement to be a member if GHPC to contribute. 
    6. Assumption is we will follow the ToIP meta model. Defines a set of controlled documents. Encourages a modular architecture of more specific documents
    7. Of the controlled documents the Glossary is critical.
    8. Spend 10 minutes going over the meta model document then we want to dive into the glossary. 
    9. Will not focus on the introduction. We want to populate the content and write the introduction when we are done.
    10. Some work has gone into the principles, we want to make sure we use the ones set out by GHPC.
    11. Keep our discussion to purpose and scope
  4. Drummond ACTION: add a second list of secondary stakeholders, .e.g, trust registries, rules engines, app providers. Also note that international stakeholders may have significantly different perspectives. Add a second detailed diagram.
  5. Todd ACTION: Take a first pass at scope.

Instructions will be added for updating the glossary:


  1. Credential contains the original data from the authoritative source
  2. Pass is a secondary signed set of data that a verifier can validate. A pass can be based on one or more credentials.  


Action Items

  1. TBC