2021-04-13 Governance Framework Drafting Group Meeting Notes

2021-04-13 Governance Framework Drafting Group Meeting Notes

Tuesday April 6 2021


  • Co-Leads:Drummond Reed
  • ID2020 PM: Todd Gehrke


  • Scott Perry
  • Savita Farooqui
  • Jacques BikoundouI
  • Savita Faroqui
  • Dave Cassel
  • Kaliya Identity Woman
  • Julian Ranger

Agenda Items

2 minWelcome & Antitrust Policy NoticeChair
XY minTopic ATBC
XY min

Topic B


XY min Topic C TBC
3 minWrap upChair 

Presentations -2021-04-13 Governance Framework DG Meeting.pdf

(PDFs posted)


 Welcome and Linux Foundation antitrust policy

  1. [Drummond] We are approaching the end of week 3 next week we will have IIW
    1. Think about topics you might want to bring up
    2. There is a rust architecture that we should try to get feedback on
    3. Has a talk with a US gov office about the various groups CCI VCI WHO . . .
    4. Reminder that we are covering a general governance frame and there will be specific governance frameworks for other components. We want to add the 30, 90, 180 day requirements for the general GF.
    5. Already talked about the Governance meta model. We ant to spend some time on this because we are seeing a clear technology path that is really important.
    6. <insert credential - pass diagram>
    7. In the paper credential group they are focusing on a credential having all the data and a pass having the data required for the use case - after data minimization or selective disclosure.
  2. [Kaliya] There are a lot of people that have spent time inventing their own credential format
    1. Why are we not saying that a credential is a W3C credential.
    2. It is not clear in the diagram that a paper credential could be a W3C VC
  3. [Julian] If an individual has a credential in their wallet how does the wallet know what to put in the digital pass.
    1. Can we show the entire credential and they take what they need?
    2. We accept that we can display the whole thing and rely on the receiver to use what they want. . .
  4. [Drummond] 
    1. Discuss scanning process
    2. Well known presentations formats
    3. Credential formats, trust registries and privacy and security DG need to discuss the approaches.
  5. [Savita] Let the rules engine decide what to request. - [Drummond] we want to make sure we capture this as it is a new way of looking at the solutions.
    1. This is a variant of the set of known pass types.
    2. Is there a way for the paper credential to transform into a digital pass?
  6. [Todd]
    1. DIVOC is doing something like this. This could also follow the pattern of a re-issuer where an issuer reads data provided in another format and acts as a verifier and issues a new pass that can be used in a given context.
  7. [Drummond] The policies that would apply throughout is what we have to extract out.
    1. Define the requirement and cast them as policies.
    2. As we go through the GF document pay attention to terms that need to be defined. - make them bold
    3. Action: Drummond to fill out secondary stakeholders.
    4. Do we add recovery. 
  8.  [ALL] Remainder of the meeting is reviewing and agreeing on edits to the document

2. Topic A

3. Topic B  

4. Topic C 

5. Wrap up 

  • Next steps


Action Items

  1. TBC