24, August 2020 — 8AM PT, 11AM ET, 16:00 UK, 17:00 CET
Send an email to technical-stack-wg@lists.trustoverip.org to request a calendar invite (you can subscribe to the mailing list at lists.trustoverip.org).
Dan Gisolfi
Christoph Schneider
Eric Vinton
Oskar van Deventer
Chris B
Daniel Bachenheimer
Drummond Reed
Dave McKay
Xinxin Fan
Steve McCown
Meeting (not recorded)
- Welcome
- Antitrust Policy Notice
- New Introductions
- Review / Approve minutes from last meeting (10-Aug-2020)
- Decision Points (accept or reject)
- Discussion topics
- Education Meeting
- ToIP and TSWG Deliverables and Process
- Action Items
- Prime SC Repo with new Process Document using TOIP Deliverables Version 5
- Owners: Reed, Gisolfi
- Due Date: 21-Sept
- Creation of a Deliverable Process Deck for Foundation education (x-governing bodies)
- Owners: Reed, Gisolfi, xxxxxx
- Due Date: 21-Sept
- Reminder: All terminology suggestions should be submitted as Issues to the Concepts and Terminology WG Repo
- Q&A
Open Items
- David to provide HOST capabilities so that we can record the session
- ISO Interlock discussion : ToIP Liaison (Vicky Lemieux) to ISO TC 307 (Emily Dawson Secretariat)
- Need to discuss Issue #1 - TIP Repo Template Contents
- Need to add USE CASES to TOIP Deliverables
- Need to establish chair duration and cycle times
- Possible library - collection of links
Action Items
- Need to define Agenda for next meeting
New Items