17.00 UTC = 10:00 PT = 18:00 CET = 21:30 IST Zoom Meeting Link https://zoom.us/j/99429712733?pwd=K214bTM4cG54YzZYVnZCL1I5MEdQQT09
Meeting Recording available here
Main Goal of this meeting::
Attendees: Nicky Hickman Kalin Judith Fleenor Dr Rachel O'Connell, Amber Case, Janet Gonzales, Aebha Curtis, Phil Wolff Richard Baker, Sam Smith Tim Bouma Mick O'Connell, Nan Yang, Kevin D'Silva, Vikas Malhotra, Scott Perry , Brian Buck, Arpit, Paul McOlaka,
Time | Item | Lead | Notes |
5 min |
| Nicky |
30mins | Expert Series 2: CALM TECHNOLOGY: DESIGNING FOR THE NEXT GENERATION OF DEVICES' | Amber Case | Author and HCI specialist Amber Case, https://calmtech.com/ https://www.caseorganic.com/ Background:
Went wrong when server was down and people were away - folks had to get friends to break into their homes to feed their animals A simpler way would be to install a mechanical timer that had a backup - for robust design
The difference between greek times - more chronos time rather than Kairos time = human time - not ampifying our humanness but making humans work like machines. Not a tech problem, but a design problem. Be in kairos time when you design We need opposite we need calm technology - a concept from Xerox Parc, a place where liberal artists, historians, social scientists all worked alongside each other Mark Weiser: In the future tech will be cheap but time will be expensive.
Timeless papers - helpful universal decisions - think of universals not for the faster, throw away now.
Book by Amber has led to e.g. Windows 11 on Calm, others expands on Mark Weiser & Seeley Brown's work, HOW: Much should be ambient and subconscious e.g. dashboard display in a car, a light switch
The light switch hides great complexity and danger, simple but not demeaning, anyone can use it. Beautiful example of calm technology. Different ways to do this, e.g. ambient awareness (transfer one visual thing into audio)
The brain translates from one sense to the other, taking something that's formerly invisible and make it visible.
Harmonious feedback loop, human chooses the search term and does the curation, man alongside tech. Many good examples in Japan in indigenous cultures. Humans working alongside tech
Example of humans coming together - omotenashi we will anticipate your needs.
Always a human back-up, they automated out of necessity Tech speaking is confusing for us because we expect them to understand, use different sounds, lights & music REDUNDANCY e.g. Freud, 'humans were annoyed by prosthetics' - we have much to learn EG some of my favourite tech
If we were to design now would be extra tech. Universal pictograms from bauhaus movement. Universally understood We should never be 'bad at technology' it's just learning curve On animism: (insert q&a from recording) Cosmotechnics - Book find link Japanese cultural norms make them natural calm technologists Problem with silicon valley model - need silicon valley faces to give value to their culture, we don't think deeply and ask enough questions Need for liberal arts & humanities, anthropology. ethics, go to the school to learn what you're bad at Phil: Animism is the metaphor that works with IoT, surrounded by things that are increasingly smart & connected, they have secrets and are connected to other things with secrets., no way to know if you should trust a device. They don't communicate with things. Amber: See https://calmtech.com/papers/technologists-responsibilities-and-social-change.html Democratising design, Amber - how do we seek to translate calm tech into high stress settings like Law Enforcement, Medical and critical care - to aid de-stressing. At the moment we aim to overwhelm the humans in these settings with more and more tech, and wonder why they lose sight of the target - human, and crumble with work related stress - which is more driven by tech related stress? EG Bloomberg - e.g. alert fatigue, a new nurse takes 3-4 mins for critical alarm, veteran will take 40 mins - frequency related to device constraints - bad design, need to design bottom-up, change to lights, or lights over doors. American healthcare is not about patient, but about making money, problem is administrators. |
T5min | Follow up on Actions & Decisions from the last meeting | Nicky/Kalin |
10 mins | Introduction of new members & Updates | All | |
5 | Wrap-up / Action Items |