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Meeting Date

  • The CTWG meets bi-weekly on Mondays at 10:00-11:00 PT / 17:00-18:00 UTC. See the ToIP Calendar for the full schedule.

Zoom Meeting Link / Recording


Agenda Items and Notes (including all relevant links)

TimeAgenda ItemLeadNotes
3 min
  • Start recording
  • Welcome & antitrust notice
  • Introduction of new members
  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.
  • New Members:
    • Charles Lanahan has been a data scientist at Trust Science until recently and a new ToIP member.
5 minGeneral announcementsAll

Any news and updates of general interest to CTWG members

  • Neil Thomson shared a GSWG conversation about how issuers and trust registries are related.
    • A trust registry is a qualified object list
    • The qualifying authority for a trust registry is a registrar
    • Neil's point is that the jobs of qualifying authorities, from a governance standpoint, are similar for an issuer and a trust registry.
    • Rieks Joosten agreed. He said it reminds him of a data exchange project in the EU, where similar decisions need to be made about registries of semantic data, such as schemas, and also product offerings, identity services, and other related services. All of these services share three things:
      1. First, a provider of the service needs to provision and operate the service at runtime.
      2. Secondly, there is a management layer that applies the governance policies under which the service operates.
      3. Thirdly, there is the governance layer that establishes the policies.
    • Rieks felt this was a good model that could be defined by the Governance Stack. He made the analogy to how CAs (certificate authorities) operate in conventional PKI. It is a good scaffolding for registries of all kinds.
    • Neil agreed that governance and operations are different roles, and whether the same party performs them or not is a matter of choice.
2 minReview of previous action itemsChairs
10 minUpdate on TEv2 progress
  • TNO is looking to develop tools for the TEv2 toolbox in TypeScript. The TRRT had some setbacks, but we expect it te be fully working at the end of this month. Progress can be followed in the TRRT-repo.
  • TNO is planning on a template repo that other tool developers can use to make other tools (in TypeScript), and that can be documented using the TEv2 tools (when they're up and running).
  • TNO is gathering the tools in the tno-terminology-design github organizaion. That's where the specs and methods have moved to from eSSIF-Lab.
  • Brian Richter hasn't been doing a lot - too busy. THe ingress tools have been progressing, the rest is still tbd. It might be a good idea to create HRGT-tools in the TNO repo, using the templates, and reusing parts of the TRRT code. 
  • the MRGT (in Java) is giving some operational problems. It seems appropriate to leave it as it is, as TNO expects a TypeScrypt version to become a available in Q4 of this year.
10 minUpdate on the ACDC and Web of Trust (WoT) GlossaryHenk van Cann 

On 2023-07-11 in the ToIP Slack, Henk posted this update:

In the KERI meeting today we voted for the move of our “source of terms truth” known as the ACDC-wiki: it’s going to be WOT-terms wiki: from todayWe will still be able to sync between the glossaries at
ToIP user acdc repo and WebofTrust WOT-terms repo.

The reason for the move is a practical one: more control over our own data and functionality while maintaining the symbiotic properties between ToIP and WoT. More info and acknowledgements in KERISSE section how we did.

The most recent update of the glossary in ToIP format can now be found here but will most probably also be hosted from ToIP github space (here) soon.

10 minUpdate on the new TNO Party-Driven Actor modelRieks Joosten See the notes from the last meeting.
10 minUpdate on the ToIP Glossary Workspace progressDrummond Reed 

Drummond will share his progress on the ToIP Glossary Workspace and proposed next steps for the rest of this month:

  1. Finish remaining TODOs.
  2. Review existing approved or draft ToIP specifications for terms not yet included.
  3. Draft those terms.
  4. Begin an ToIP WG-by-WG review.
5 mins
  • Review decisions/action items
  • Planning for next meeting 

Screenshots/Diagrams (numbered for reference in notes above)



  • Sample Decision Item

Action Items

  • Sample Action Item

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