Meeting Schedule
- Bi Weekly at 11am est.
- Karl Kneis
- Karen Hand
- Andre Kudra
- Jorge Flores
- RJ Reiser
- Drummond Reed
- Jim StClair
- Ken Adler (Deactivated)
- Adrian Doerk
- Carly
- Chris B
- Chris Ingrao (Deactivated)
- Darrell O'Donnell
- Michael Shea
- Markus Sabadello
Agenda Items
Time | Item | Who |
1 min | Welcome & Antitrust Policy Notice | |
4 min | Introduction of new members | |
10 min | 2020 Review of Working Group progress and things to focus on in 2021 | Karl Kneis |
20 min | White Paper Task Force - Deep dive on process, cross working group collaboration, terminology and deliverable status | Karen Hand |
20 min | EFWG Solution Pack Task Force - integrating established trust marks / certification organizations alongside verifiable credentials. Status on deliverables. | Steve Magennis |
- link to presentation files
Agenda & Notes
- Welcome and Linux Foundation antitrust policy
- Introduction of new members
Karl Kneis kicked off the meeting with a review or 2020. We had lots of activity but are always looking for more participation. Please reach out to any of our team members to get more involved. You can also reach out to Karl Kneis or RJ Reiser
Drummond Reed Ecosystem are hot. We need more details and focus on deliverables. "2021 is the year of deliverables."
CCI task force - we would like an update on the standardization of credentials and any current exchange.
There are a few Vac Credentials are looking for ToIP to provide framework and interoperability. More updates on Steering Committee meeting late today.
Karen Hand - Update on White Paper Task Force.
We need to get this completed. (See attached slides) This project will help ecosystems participants complete a "White Paper" for their use case. The goal is to decrease and reduce learning curve to get an ecosystem release and functioning. The white paper will follow a process and contain required content.
- Sample Decision Item
Action items
- Sample Action Item