07, July 2020 — 09:00-10:00 PT / 16:00-17:00 UTC
Send an email to decentralized-semantics-wg@lists.trustoverip.org to request a calendar invite (you can subscribe to the mailing list at lists.trustoverip.org).
Guiding Goal: Organize the working group.
- Welcome from the conveners (Paul, Robert—5 min)
- What is Decentralized Semantics?
- A representation of “data semantics” within an age of distributed ledger technology (DLT) solutions which continue to mould the current decentralization movement.
- Characteristics of a decentralized network
- What is Decentralized Semantics?
- Introductions (WG, 15 min)
- Mission and scope of this WG (Paul—10 min)
- Mission: To define a data capture architecture consisting of immutable schema bases and interoperable overlays for Internet-scale deployment.
- Overlays Capture Architecture (OCA)
- Mission: To define a data capture architecture consisting of immutable schema bases and interoperable overlays for Internet-scale deployment.
- Potential initial work items (Paul—15 min)
- Suggested initial work items
- Functionality requirements of a data capture architecture
- Task Force alignment with WG
- Suggested initial work items
- Logistics (Paul—10 min)
- Mailing list
- Wiki
- Github repo structure (repository of best practices)
- Task Forces
- Chairs
- Meeting schedule
Meeting Notes
Participants (Name / Location / Time zone / Affiliation / One-sentence summary of interest):
- Paul Knowles / Basel, Switzerland / CET / Human Colossus Foundation / Developing OCA into a standardized global solution for data capture.
- Robert Mitwicki / Vienna, Austria / CET / Human Colossus Foundation / Developing OCA into a standardized global solution for data capture.
- Vipin Bharathan /New York City, USA/ EDT-EST/ dlt.nyc / How do we interoperate? Data Semantics will help
- Philippe Page /Geneva, Switzerland /CET/ Human Colossus Foundation / Decentralized Semantic and Consent management.
- John Wunderlich /Toronto, Canada /EDT/ JLINC Labs, IEEE Standards, Kantara, MyData Global / Information Sharing
- John Walker /Bay Area, USA /PDT/ SemanticClarity, CCI / OCA development and semantic interoperability
- Davide /London/GMT/MyData Global/ Developing End2End solution architecture based on Data Commons and MyData Operator principles
- Lal Chandran /Stockholm, Sweden/CET/iGrant.io, MyData Operator, Data4Life Initiative for decentralised health data/Develop standards towards Open APIs for consented data exchange
- Scott Whitmire /Scottsdale, AZ, USA/MST/Mayo Clinic/Making use of OCA to create IEEE standard and ToIP ecosystem for medical information (data and imaging)
Additional Desired Outcomes:
Robert Mitwicki to build a generic template for prospective use cases to add to the DSWG wiki page.
Chair Volunteers (3 max)
- Paul Knowles (Human Colossus Foundation)