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Meeting Date

  • : ToIP Concepts and Terminology WG Bi-Weekly Meeting  10:00-11:00 PT / 18:00-19:00 UTC. 
    See the 
    ToIP Calendar for the full schedule.

Zoom Meeting Recording


TimeAgenda ItemLeadNotes
3 min
  • Start recording
  • Welcome & antitrust notice
  • Introduction of new members
  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.
  • New Members:
5 minGeneral announcementsAll

Any news and updates of general interest to CTWG members

Neil Thomson shared that the Hospitality and Travel SIG at DIF is a major profile of traveler info that vendors do not want to hold. It includes all the PII typically needed to support travel. The SIG is turning that into a schema. It includes both self-attested info (such as preferences) with other verifiable data. Neil explained that it is going to need a glossary. It will be helpful to have access to the ToIP Glossary, and will also need their own local glossary. Neil has been voluntold to be the glossary manager.

  • Rieks Joosten asked if it was just schema work, or does it also extend to protocols? Neil said that it was anticipated that the use of the data involves a spectrum of information that would go through graduated disclosure. Discovery, booking, traveling. Rieks felt that this was a very typical ACDC use case. Rieks also recommended that the Semantic Treehouse
  • Neil said that there's a need to know the exact way that a query can be matched against the schema.

Rieks Joosten said that he has been talking to Daniel Hardman about the TEv2 tool and Daniel was enthusiastic.

7 minReview of previous action itemsChairs
  •  ACTION: Drummond Reed to work with Kevin Griffin to decide which repos associated with CTWG and glossaries.
  •  ACTION: Henk and Rieks bilateral; about alignment tools.
    Report conclusion:
    TEv2 is capable of doing what's needed in a fundamental way. It anticipates everything we need now and might need in the future. The KERISSE engine and kerific approaches the urgent challenges we have from a pratical stand point. Both worlds can mix. 
    The def-ref structure for terminology source in Spec-Up markdown files an intermediate solution with several drawbacks (to be discussed?)
    Follow up: Henk is motivated to put this on the work agenda as soon as the source management of our terminologies are in place. Kor and Henk will visit Rieks in early spring to prepare tests.
  •  DECISION cancel the Monday 9AM PT/17:00 UTC calls on TEv2 code development
  •  ACTION: Kevin Griffin, Darrell O’Donnell and Henk van Cann to discuss their thoughts on the best way to evolve the Spec-Up code base with the modifications necessary to support: a) dangling “def” and “ref” tags, 2) remote “ref” tags and to communicate their conclusions to Brian Richter. Suggestion: write normative section in Guide.
    •  Henk has been writing a Guide that has normative text. To be discussed below.
  •  ACTION: Drummond Reed will notify Brian Richter (cc Judith Fleenor) that we will proceed make the proposed code contributions to Spec-Up to add the dangling ref/def and remote ref features as described in the2024-01-29 CTWG meeting notes Darrell O’Donnell and Kevin Griffin.
  •  ACTION: Henk van Cann to propose the main agenda topic for the next CTWG meeting based on his discussions with Rieks Joosten and Kor Dwarshuis (and include one agenda topic for Brian Richter to report on his progress on his coding project as described above).
10 minUpdates on TEv2 and KERISSE engine / kerific

Report on what progress (if any) took place over the past 2 weeks on either TEv2 or KERISSE tooling and code bases.

  •  Rieks Joosten and Henk van Cann to plan an in-person get together including Kor Dwarshuis in March or April.
  •  Kor and Henk plan to clone and study TEv2 beforehand in Feb-March, which already results in PRs (currently on modest scale)
  •  kerific-spec : Consensus tool

Henk van Cann said that he sees TEv2 as the "end goal" that he would like to evolve towards. This evolution is a process that could take us most of this year.

Henk explained that Kerific is a tool to help with developing consensus over multiple definitions of a term in different glossaries.

Rieks Joosten confirmed that he had a good meeting with Henk, and that he felt they were headed in generally the right direction. He looks forward to an in-person meeting in ~April. 

In regards to Spec-Up, we need to look at the cost/benefit ratio. The best path would be to work directly with Spec-Up authors so we can get their input directly.

Rieks said that documentation for TEv2 is improving but still needs more work. There is also a question about how to organize the documentation for different audiences, such as those who want "just the bare minimum" vs. those who want to go very deep.

Rieks said that they are also working out some bugs in the TEv2 code base.

Rieks reported they are working on the PR from Brian Richter for the wiki ingress tool so it could become part of the toolbox.

10 minReport on Spec-Up Coding ProjectBefore Brian joined the meeting, Drummond reported on his discussions with Brian in Victoria BC about his progress on his coding project as described in Slack #concepts-terminology-wg.
20 min

2024 Plan for CTWG Tooling 

  •  Source Management terminology Google Doc. Input variant 1 leading to Output variant
    "Darrell had the brilliant idea that the CTWG should begin publishing the ToIP Glossary as its own standalone Spec-Up specification"
  •  Spec-Up and ToIP Specification template → this is currently being spearheaded by a new Technology Stack WG Task Force called the Specification Template Task Force
  •  Def-ref consistency tooling in the Spec-Up environment.
    Discuss the separation of technical design and project guidance of the work Brian Richter is working on.
    Henk has an early draft available of what could be reasonable and measurable expectations of the deliverables and their pre-conditions:

Here is Henk's first draft of the Terminology Governance Guide. It includes Henk's Mermaid drawing of the terminology development process (screenshot #1 below).

ACTION: Henk van Cann to connect with Kevin Griffin to determine the right CTWG repo (or a new one) for the Terminology Governance Guide.  

5 mins
  • Review decisions/action items
  • Planning for next meeting 
