Meeting Schedule
The WG currently holds bi-weekly calls. Thursdays Meeting — 11:00-12:00 am EST / 13:00 - 14:00 UTC
Table of Contents exclude Meeting Schedule
Thursday 08, October Meeting Agenda
Recording of the October 08 meeting
- New member introductions
- Call for volunteers and nominations for Co Chair representatives
- Education Credentials Ecosystem Use Case review - Victor Syntez, Canadian Credential Network
- Internet of Research (IoR) Ecosystem Governance Framework Task Force - Carly Huitema, Waterloo Centre for Microbial Research, and Research Data Strategy at UoGuelph
- ToIP Ecosystem Solution Pack (Implementation Plan) - Steve Magennis, Founder of Polywug Consulting
Thursday 24, September Meeting Notes
Recording of the 24, September meeting
View file | ||||
Thursday 24, September Meeting Agenda
- New member introductions
- Sovrin Ecosystem Governance Framework Task Force introduction - Chris Raczkowski, Sovrin Foundation
- Prototype Ecosystem Review - Entidad EC and Governance requirements deep dive- Jorge Flores, Co-founder and CTO, Entidad
- EFWG GFWG Requirements Focus Group
- White Paper Focus Group
- Workflow Updates
- Deliverables Schedule
Thursday 10, September Meeting
Meeting Notes
Recording of the 10, September meeting
- Open Call for White Paper nominations from all members - post ideas on the new White Paper Focus Group Wiki Page
- Provide feedback on GSWG requirements on the new EFWG Requirements Focus Group wiki page
- Review GSWG pages to learn more about how the GSWG can help EFWG objectives
- Open call for existing governance frameworks to become prototypes for EFWG governance requirements
- Introduce new members
- White Papers - Extend ideas on how to approach EC TOIP White Papers - Karen J Hand, PhD Precision Strategic Solutions
- Update on Ecosystem working session to expand EC flow template
- EFWG requirements for GSWG
- What do we need from the GSWG to create, deliver and operate TOIP Ecosystems? What deliverables do we need in 3,6, and 12 months?
- What do we need from other WGs?
- Ecosystem Definition update
Thursday, 3 September - Session: Canonical Templates Flow
Thursday 27, August Meeting
Meeting Notes
- Recording of the 27, August Meeting
- Agree to have a working session to expand flow and determine how Operate, Risk, and Implementation Plan can be incorporated into the flow
- Need to define how TOIP Ecosystems retire
- Need to consider how the Trust Assurance Framework can help inform the Ecosystem flows
- Reference information to help inform Ecosystem project flow: Project Management Institute - Project Lifecycle
- White Paper ideas - Discussed preliminary ideas on how to approach White Paper deliverables. Will discuss more options and actions on a future cal
- Agree to have a working session to expand flow and determine how Operate, Risk, and Implementation Plan can be incorporated into the flow
- Need to define how TOIP Ecosystems retire
- Need to consider how the Trust Assurance Framework can help inform the Ecosystem flows
- Food for Thought: Project Management Institute - Project Lifecycle
Thursday 13, August Meeting
Meeting Notes
Recording from the 13, August Meeting
- Introduce new members
- Patient Identity Task Force introduction - Jim St. Clair, Dinocrates Group LLC
- Human Trafficking Ecosystem Task Force introduction - Jamie Stirling, Scott Warner, Secours.io
- Entidad Ecosystem Use Case - Jesus Torres and Rene Solorzano, entidad.io
- Ecosystem template and term definitions
Thursday 30, July Meeting
Meeting Notes
Recording from the 30, July Meeting
- Introduce new members
- Ecosystem template and term definitions
- Ecosystem Use Case Review - Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation - Karla McKenna, (GLEIF)
- Next steps
Thursday 16, July Meeting
Recording of the 16, July meeting.
- Introduce new members
- Ecosystem template and term definitions
- Ecosystem file store
- Exemplar EC Use Case index
- Ecosystem Use Cases
- Medical Information Ecosystem Use Case - Scott Whitmire, IEEE
- Enterprise Ecosystems - Ken Adler, ThoughtWorks
- Chair and Vice Chair nominations
- Next steps
Thursday 02, July Meeting
- Recording of the 02 July meeting
- Introduction Slides
View file name Ecoysystem WG Meeting 02 July 2020.pdf height 250
- Introduce new members
- Ecosystem template and term definitions
- Ecosystem Use Cases
- Malaysian B2B eKYC - Nicholas See, EasyPay Transfers
- Coloured Gemstone Industry Platform - Eric Drury, Forth Consulting
- Medical Information Ecosystem Use Case - Scott Whitmire, IEEE
- Enterprise Ecosystems - Ken Adler, ThoughtWorks
- Introduce new task force = COVID Credentials Initiative - Chris Raczkowski, DignifID
- Chair and Vice Chair nominations
- Share your use cases to help refine the canonical template
- Share suggestions and comments on the canonical template and terms
- Use case reviews will continue on the next call
Thursday 18 June 2020 Meeting
- Recording of the 18 June meeting.
- Wiki Page of the Draft Ecosystem Workflow
- Slides from the meeting
View file name Ecoysystem WG Meeting 18 June 2020.pdf height 250
- Introduce new members
- EFWG Concepts and Workflow Discussion
- What is an “Ecosystem”?
- What is an “Ecosystem Project”?
- How would we describe the life-cycle management of an Ecosystem Project?
- Review exemplar use case to help visual the life-cycle management workflow concepts
- Next Steps
- Request for volunteers to create other ecosystem project use cases
- Provide feedback on proposed workflow categories and definitions.
- Next meeting - review new Task Forces and feedback on Ecosystem Workflow baseline
- Request for volunteers to create other ecosystem project use cases
Thursday 04 June 2020 Meetings
- Recording of the 04 June 2020 13:00 UTC meeting—35 attendees
- The second meeting (Friday 05 June 01:00 UTC) had a much smaller attendance and thus was not recorded