The GSWG meets bi-weekly on Thursdays at 11:00-12:00 PT / 18:00-19:00 UTC. Check the ToIP Calendar for meeting dates.
Zoom Meeting Link and Recording
Link: https://zoom.us/j/98299579894?pwd=c3UyQm1wR1RaaWV6S0NsMjJ1OFRtQT09
Recording: TBD https://zoom.us/rec/share/amFcTud8YaHZQU2orCGHZGfPFR7WAKj6WDRELxfND6_yw5nXYolY8xQ-tPlJVA0.Z0DvCV2WPeWaDPiF
- Drummond Reed
- Scott Perry
- Savita Farooqui
- Steven Milstein
- Neil Thomson
- Salvatore D'Agostino
- Carly
- Mark Lizar
- Frederic d Vaulx (Guest from IEEE Blockchain Governance WG)
- Callum Haslam
- Sherwood Moore
- Tom Besore