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2 minWelcome & Antitrust Policy NoticeD Luchuk
5 minsMessage from John JordanD Luchuk
20 15 minsWebinar (ToIP & Gov’t) - RecapD Luchuk & D Reed 
10 mins Principles of SSID Reed
10 minsMarket Developments - Digital Health PassportsD Reed 
10 minsYear-in-review / Year-aheadD Luchuk
5 minsOpen Q&AAll
2 minsWrap-up / Action ItemsD Luchuk


  • David Luchuk provided a brief overview of the two webinar events that took place on December 15 - separate sessions to accommodate US/EU and APAC time zones.
  • The US/EU session peaked at approx. 120 attendees while the APAC session reaches approx. 20 participants.
  • The sessions were well-received and featured active participation from attendees.
  • Recordings from both sessions have been posted to the ToIP website and wiki.
  • The Communications Committee intends to establish an editorial calendar through which ToIP webinars would be regularly scheduled.
  • Drummond Reed presented the opening slides from the webinar, discussing how the ToIP model was presented to the non-technical audience. 
  • Tim Bouma observed that the core challenge with a government audience is to succeed in shifting policy leaders from their focus on “SSI” toward a greater understanding of digital trust.
  • Kaliya Young introduced advocacy work underway in California aiming to influence the State policy committee and draft legislation, which will be supportive of VCs, in 2021.
  • Bo Harald introduces introduced work underway through Findy - establishing a network for verified data where state agencies (Finland) act as members.

Principles of SSI

  • Chris Ingrao introduced The Exchange which is a credential ecosystem that was conceived to supports test and vaccination records related to COVID-19.
  • It has since been expanded to support multiple use cases and a community of patients, providers, advocates and payers to share credentials in healthcare.
  • This example of a Layer 4 ecosystem (based on the ToIP model) aims to help resolve billions of dollars in inefficiency and administrative waste in health services.

CCI Governance Framework

  • Guest presenter Chris Raczkowski (Sovrin Foundation) introduced recent progress on a Governance Framework developed by the COVID Credentials Initiative (CCI) taskforce.
  • The CCI Governance Framework offers an example of the value of ToIP.
  • It has been an open source and community effort to define elements in Layer 3 of the ToIP stack focusing on testing and vaccination results as well as professional accreditation for healthcare professionals in the COVID-19 context.
  • The CCI Governance Framework takes a principles-based approach to avoid conflict with different regulations across jurisdictions. It has reached a stage of development where it can be proposed for adoption and use.

Open Earth Foundation - technical demonstration

  • Martin Wainstein (Open Earth) presented the work of their Foundation, which builds off the Yale University Open Innovation Lab to focus on climate accounting and finance for solar energy, and the role of digital infrastructure in this sector.
  • In the field of climate accounting there is an especially strong need for interoperability and trust in data and systems to allow measurements of emissions in energy systems to be aggregated to the global level.
  • Technical demonstration - Nov 20 (12pm EST) - data schemas that can be used to attest to emissions outcomes in climate accounting.
  • All members encouraged to consider joining this demonstration.

Call-Out for participation 

  • New Digital Research Infrastructure Organization (NDRIO) - Carly Huitema discussed the recent call for white papers launched by the Canadian non-profit organization to better understand the future requirements for research infrastructure.
  • All members encouraged to participate in a meeting (Nov 20) to discuss a possible response from ToIP to this call out.
  • Internet of Things (IoT) - David Luchuk discussed his recent and upcoming meeting with Michael Shea (Sovrin Foundation) about how ToIP can integrate IoT into its model and activities. 
  • All members encouraged to participate in a meeting (Nov 19) to pursue this topic.

Communications - Update

  • David Luchuk discussed on-going effort by members of the Communications Committee to introduce principles, key messages and a common approach to public announcements in a Foundation-wide Communications Strategy.
  • He also introduced the concept of having an “editorial calendar” to produce a regular cycle of re-usable media content.

Operations - update

  • David Luchuk provide an overview of on-going work by Working Group representatives on the Operations Team to complete an update of the wiki and provide support to members (guidance, requirements and tools) for developing ToIP deliverables.
  • Drummond Reed discussed steps in a high-level process that will provide flexibility for members to use a variety of different tools but also a common format for final content submitted for approval/adoption, spanning al of the steps between authoring and publishing.Drummond Reed explained that the Principles were stewarded by Sovrin but are not owned by any single organization. The are meant to reflect the consensus of the entire SSI community.
  • Based on a decision by the Steering Committee (Dec 9), a taskforce will be created under the Governance Stack WG to deliver the Principles of SSI as a ToIP Design Principles deliverable.
  • Sovrin will soon announce and publicly release the Principles. These need to be supported and broadly endorses by the community as a whole in order to have the desired impact.

Market Developments - Digital Health Passports

  • Drummond Reed briefly introduced and discussed the importance of recent announcements from IATA (to begin piloting Travel Pass Program by end of 2020) and WHO (defining specifications for vaccination certificates in Jan 2021).
  • Tim Bouma highlighted the importance of avoiding a fragmented outcome to these efforts, while enabling as many options as possible.
  • Daniel Bachenheimer discussed his role as vice-chair of the IATA ID Management working group and emphasized their commitment to leveraging existing standards and achieving interoperability.
  • Todd Gehrke discussed the importance of getting involved in discussions, through initiatives Iike Travel Pass, where conflict over core ideas is necessary in order to press for a model ad approach that works.
  • Thomas Cox indicated that the public discussion around these topics requires an “activist cadre” that will push for change in the ace of resistance.
  • Karl Kneis cautioned that ToIP needs to be artful to avoid being perceived as a political/activist community.


  • Deferred (with apologies to members who prepared input) to first All member meeting of 2021.