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  • Andre Kudra indicated the WG continues to be focused on helping others be able to jump-start utility projects by sharing approaches and lessons-learned from utilities already in place.
  • Upcoming work will include educational sessions based on the experiences of existing utility operators.
  • Finally, he reiterated the need for volunteers and member contributions to this work.
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  • Nn

Ecosystem Foundry

  • Karl Kneis identified key deliverables that are contained in the Ecosystem Foundry “Solution Pack” as well as a variety of White Papers under development.
  • The WG is focused on expanding its engagement with members and other WGs, and encouraged members to bring use cases forward for discussion. These are fuel for the work.
  • He recognized the leadership of Karen Hand in establishing the White Paper Taskforce which is intended to play a coordinating role among WGs and orchestrate messaging to stay focused on our “north star” as a Foundation.
  • Key challenges include staying focused by only retaining as many taskforces as are required to meet objectives and produce deliverables. He also emphasized the on-going need to foster cross-WG collaboration.
  • RJ Reiser was welcomed as new co-Vhair of this WG.

Inputs & Semantics

  • Paul Knowles explained that the structure of this WG was recently modified to focus separately on data puts, on hand hand, as opposed to semantics on the other. This will allow the WG to define specifications and best practices that bring cohesion to the distinct data capture and semantic domains.
  • He emphasized that the WG has a vertical (e.g. requirements for healthcare ecosystems) as well as horizontal focus, and identified KERI as an important ledger-agnostic solution in the Inputs domain.

Concepts and Terminology

  • Drummond Reed indicated this WG is working as fast as possible on tooling required to put a common glossary in place.

Human Experience

  • David Luchuk advised that the Charter for this new WG is in the process of being formally adopted under a new approach from Linux Foundation that will make it simpler for members to join.
  • This WG is currently soliciting proposals from other WGs on possible projects to work on once the Charter is formally in place.

Wrap Up

  • David Luchuk indicated, in response to a member comment about shared calendars, that he is working with Linux colleagues to install a calendar plug-in for the wiki.