27 July 2021
2 min | Welcome & Antitrust Policy Notice | John |
Introductions | John | |
Backgrounder and introduction to the WIP Addendum document | John and Jo | |
Discussion around taking the WIP Addendum document (see below) forward | Everyone |
Meeting Notes
WRT Action 2020-07-20 1)
Targeted message: Kaliya will go through the lists of participants and their organisations to see who might be well placed to give expert feedback and will reach out to them
General message: Kaliya will post a general message seeking input from these people.
In addition, Jo/John will reach out to their local (Australian contacts)
GHP BluePrint was approved a few hours before this meeting. Official communication will be from Kaliya out to working groups.
Key Resources:
- GHPC Blueprint Outline v2
- Guardianship Addendum for GHP Blueprint
- Sovrin Publications on Guardianship, in particular the Implementation Guidelines and Technical Requirements introduced in this blog post
Guardianship and other forms of delegated authority with self-sovereign identity (Manning Live Book)
Recording -
Topic: GHP Guardianship addendum drafting group
Start Time : Jul 27Meeting Recording:
1. Welcome and Linux Foundation antitrust policy - http://www.linuxfoundation.org/antitrust-policy
Action Items
2020-07-20 1)
- Move Google Doc Addendum draft into the ToIP Google Drive Area - DONE (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HrijzntZZvodY0StfP-f9DuKkfhn1S0d3VVQ41Xcp88/edit?usp=sharing)
- Create Meeting Page structure under ToIP Guardianship Addendum on Wiki site - DONE
- Focused outreach for feedback on specific items in the Addendum document - DONE - and following up
2020-07-20 1) 27
- Seek subject matter specific expertise from Airline/Travel people who can review and comment on the proposed approach for each stage of the journey process
- for accompanied and unaccompanied minors and adults travelling with dependent adults, and unaccompanied dependent adults.
- Group to provide a "show and tell" or other form of simple communication about the ideas being generated by the GHP Blueprint Guardianship Addendum Drafting group.