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Main Goal of this Meeting


TimeAgenda ItemLeadNotes
5 min
  • Start recording
  • Welcome & antitrust notice
  • Introduction of new members
  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.
  • New Members:

Review of Action Items from the previous meetingChairsNo action items were assigned in the last meeting.
15 minsTask Force ReportsTF Leads

Trust Registry TF — Darrell O'Donnell

  • --next steps? Not a lot of direct feedback for v1.0 - lots on 1.0+.
  • ACTION: Drummond Reed and Darrell O'Donnell to review Trust Registry Specification document and move to formalize.
  • ACTION: Drummond Reed to look at glossary and advise.

ACDC TF — Sam Smith Philip Feairheller 

  • Very active IIW with multiple sessions on KERI and ACDC
  • Included a demo of distributed multi-sig
  • Robert Mitwicki did a demo of their microledger work
  • At the last meeting, Brent Zundelattended and discussed the W3C VC V2 spec and that ideally it would be a "big tent" that could include ACDC credentials
  • Darrell O'Donnell asked about where to 
  • Phil explained the CESR spec that covers schemas and serialization
  • The next meeting will have Kevin Dean from GS1 going over their requirements
  • The ACDC spec itself will serve as a master guide to all the supporting specs
  • Sam Smith has been invited to present next week to IETF to propose the KERI spec family
  • Drummond Reednoted that KERI identifier delegation establishes its own chain-of-trust that is separate/parallel to an ACDC credential chain-of-trust.
  • Philip Feairheller also shared about the KERI Community Working Group

Design Principles TF — Drummond Reed

  • The Design Principles for the ToIP Stack is now complete with the exception of revised version of some of the included graphics. Since the TSWG is the formal owner, we are ready to do a call for consensus as follows:
  • DECISION: The Design Principles for the ToIP Stack recommendation is approved as a Working Group Approved Deliverable.
  • If approved, this will formally close the Design Principles TF.
  • Jacques Bikoundou asked about standards for digital identity wallets
    • Daniel Bachenheimer asked if this meant primarily the mDL standard from ISO
    • Jacques was thinking about a broader context of how wallets store credentials — how we actually get interoperability
    • For example, Apple has been pushing hard for its own approach to mDL driver's licenses with U.S. States and forcing states to pay the costs and cede control that may not be appropriate —see this MSNBC article.

Technology Architecture TF — Darrell O'Donnell &  Drummond Reed

  • This TF is now steaming along at full speed.
  • See agenda topic below.
15 minsReview progress on ToIP Protocol Stack DiagramsAll

ToIP Protocol Stack Diagrams (Google Slides deck) now has over 70 slides.

  • Convergence is beginning to happen based on the meetings last week.
10 minsToIP Technical Arch Spec drafting beginningDrummond Reed

See the ToIP Technology Architecture Specification draft (Google doc)

  • Drummond is beginning to capture requirements from the Technology Architecture TF discussions
  • See the requirements added to Layer 2 based on Daniel Hardman's list
  • Note also that we can begin using the ToIP Core terms wiki to define any term that applies to the whole of the ToIP stack.
    • We can create a specialized Terms Wiki for the TSWG if we decide we need one (the GSWG has already decided they need one).
10 minsProposed high-level TSWG game plan for 2022Drummond Reed

If we can complete and approve the ToIP Technology Architecture Specification draft by EOY.

  1. ToIP Layer 1 Specification by end of Q1 2022 (dependency on W3C Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) 1.0.)
  2. ToIP Layer 2 Specification by end of Q2 2022 (dependency on DIDComm V2.)
  3. ToIP Layer 3 Specification by end of Q3 2022 (dependency on DIDComm Co-Protocols.)
  4. ToIP Layer 4 Specification by end of 2022.
5 minsAny other business

  • Review decisions/action items
  • Planning for next meeting 

Screenshots/Diagrams (numbered for reference in notes above)



  •  Sample Decision Item

Action Items

  •  Sample Action Item

For Thurday's meeting, Darrell O'Donnell suggests looking at the stack through different "lenses":

  • Protocols
  • Use cases
  • Software modules/components
  • Formal methods

We agreed that all the lenses are important and should be documented.


Action Items