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A core principle of the Trust over IP Foundation is self-organization—encouraging members to form new Working Groups or Task Forces as they best see fit to best drive the work forward. This page describes the simple, lightweight process for doing this.

To Form a


Working Group is a formal collaboration forum with an official charter based on a Joint Development Foundation (JDF) template. Only Working Groups can develop official Trust over IP Foundation deliverables.

  1. Hold informal discussions as needed with your own team or other members to develop your idea to the point you are ready to propose it.
  2. Create a new wiki page (under the top-level Home page here) to describe the new WG. Make the page name the proposed name of your new WG. Add the word "Proposed" in parens after the title. 
  3. Use the page to describe the Mission and Scope, Conveners, Interested Members, Description, and any other pertinent information that other ToIP Foundation members might need to decide if they are interested in participating.
  4. Once you have determined there is enough interest to proceed (which is strictly your decision—there is no specific threshold), update the wiki page to contain the rest of the details needed for your proposed Working Group Charter. This consists of:
    1. Name of the WG
    2. Statement of scope
    3. Contact the Executive Director for the other details needed (choice of patent mode, software license, copyright license).
  5. Once you are ready, notify the Executive Director that you are ready to submit your Charter for approval by the ToIP Steering Committee (which meets monthly).


New Task Force (TF)

Task Force is a lightweight informal self-organization mechanism that does not require a formal JDF charter. A Foundation-wide TF can be formed directly under the Steering Committee (SC) , and a Working Group TF can be formed under any WG. A TF requires a wiki page but any other formal mechanisms or approvals are optionalor any WG.

  1. For a Foundation-Wide TF, discuss first socialize your proposal with the Executive Director or any SC member; for a WG TF, discuss socialize your proposal with the WG Chairs or other WG members. Ideally the SC or WG records a formal call for consensus to approve the formation of the TF, but this is not strictly required.
  2. When you are ready to proceed, add a new wiki page under the wiki page for the TF parent
    1. For a Foundation-Wide a Steering Committee TF, add it under the Home the Steering Committee page.
    2. For a WG TF, add it under the WG Home page.
  3. Make the page name the proposed name of your new TF. No need to add "Proposed" unless you want explicit approval from the SC or parent WG.
  4. Add the names of the initial TF members (and invite others who want to join to add their names).
  5. Add a Description of the objectives, deliverables, proposed schedule, and any other pertinent information that other ToIP Foundation members might need to decide if they are interested in participating
  6.  Begin your work (unless you want to seek explicit approval from the SC or parent WG first).
  7. Fill out the wiki page following the template of an existing Task Force page (use this one).
  8. Make sure to announce your new TF to the full ToIP membership using the Slack #general channel and the All-Member mailing list.
  9.  Begin your work!

To Form a New Working Group (WG)

Working Group is a formal collaboration forum with an official charter meeting the requirements of our Joint Development Foundation (JDF) operating policies. Only Working Groups can develop official Trust over IP Foundation deliverables.

  1. Hold informal discussions as needed with your own team or other ToIP members to develop your idea to the point you are ready to propose the new WG.
  2. Once you have determined there is enough interest to proceed (which is strictly your decision—there is no specific threshold), contact the Executive Director (John Jordan) and/or Director of Strategic Engagements (Judith Fleenor) for guidance on preparing a formal WG charter.
  3. Prepare a draft of the charter (using whatever collaboration tool is most convenient, such as a Google doc, a Markdown doc, or this wiki).
  4. Once you are ready, notify the Executive Director that you are ready to submit your Charter for approval by the ToIP Steering Committee (which meets monthly).
  5. Once the WG is approved, a wiki page will be created to serve as your Working Group home page (like this one) and an announcement will be made to the full ToIP membership.