Time | Agenda Item | Lead | Notes |
3 min | | Chairs | |
20 min | Review of previous action items | Chairs | - Standardised pointer structure: As we go through the exercise of putting the initial MVP identifiers together, it will hopefully expose an underlying pattern of structure which we can then use to build out a model that we can share with other ecosystems - Proposed idea, start with a “Minimum viable” set of identifiers - DIDs, X.509 and DNS which then we can iterate out from afterwards - work assignments to achieve first draft |
10 mins | Open discussion points from previous NA/EU meeting | All | How should we structure the spec and break up the work? How long should we give ourselves (realistically) to have a full Working Draft? DID to DNS DNS to DID X.509 to DID DID to X.509 DNS to X.509 X.509 to DNS
Tim Bouma : Drummond Reed : Alex Tweeddale : Tim Bouma : Root to record, record to root: Mapping from a non-cryptographic identifier to a cryptographic identifier: When you are dealing with non-cryptographic identifier (e.g. DNS record), the question is how do you make sure that is legitimate (DNSSEC) Root to Record Cryptographic to non-cryptographic Public key with corresponding private key Public key can generate a signature and sign a record, saying e.g. this domain name is mine, and I will assign it a fixed signature If you know the public key, you can look up that record and see that it is signed by that public key
Record to Root Non-Cryptographic to cryptographic http://Example.com has no way to sign that it actually owns that public key, this is where you need to rely on Proper authentication and management to say that you own that public key Challenge response mechanism If that public key signs my record back, that gives assurance
Jesse Carter Importance of bi-directional binding We have to consider where do we put the bi-directional relationship, and how do we validate / ensure that the bi-directional relationship is being honoured
15 mins | Assignment of work items for spec first draft | All | Scott Perry Tim Bouma |
10 mins | Other topics | | |
5 mins | | Chairs | |