- ACTION: Henk and Kor need a Spec-Up-T repo at trustoverip
Request was sent to Kevin. https://github.com/trustoverip/spec-up-t target.
@drummondreed mentioned that he'd love to see a definition-only version of the search option ->
- Action: @kordwarshuis [Issue38](https://github.com/blockchainbird/spec-up-t/issues/38). Status: Ongoing Oct-7. Preview: https://dwarshuis.com/test/temp-ctwg-main-glossary/docs/#terms-and-definitions. Search with both harmonica open and closed. The number of hits will adapt. Use the left and right arrow keys to navigate through the hits.
- Action: Neil Thomson guinea pig role for following the documentation. Henk contacts Neils before the next meeting.
- Action: Kor Dwarshuis: What needs to be installed from a "green-field" computer in which order on the regular hardware and VM infra: NPM, git, IDE, ...
Neil wants to know how to manage a web of documents and xref to them - Action: Henk van Cann: Make instances of example roles everybody knows: ToIP, Drummond, KERI: Sam - Henk → glossary KERI
1) just copy a link to a term - just with a webpage.
2) edit a term - just with a webpage (the Github.com site) 3) A. add a term - doesn't work just on GitHub.com webpage because of a bug. When the bug is fixed then you will be able to add it via a webpage again. B. add a term - you can also have Spec-up-T installed
You need to have it installed on your machine in order to instantiate a repository
- Administrator Role
- Editor Role
- Term User Role
- Judith Fleenor:
I think the Glossary needs a couple of different types of training/documentation guides.
1. For end users, just trying to look at the Glossary and use it to look up Terms. (what are all the look up functions available in the Glossary.)
2. For end users, just trying to link to a term in their own document. (copy paste a term link.)
3. For spec/document writers, how to reference the ToIP Glossary and how to do the markdown once the repo is setup. (#ref #xref, etc.). Term Def Recommenders, how to recommend a new Term Def.
4. Repo Maintainers, what needs to be in place in a repo, so that #3 can be used.
5. For organizations that want to use the tools to create their own Glossary, how to set it up in their repos to create a totally new Glossary and manage it.
- About documentation -> we need selection based on what relevant:
@carly: I would like to add fronting material to this stuff - because when you get here you don't know what is relevant
- Neil Thomson:
The thing I'm talking about is a subject domain (e.g., Hospitality and Travel) vocabulary will/likely contain terms that are in use that are unique to their subject domain (or overlaps with ToIP/technical terms). There is also a guide for users of GDocs and Word documents that can use those links (with a longer term goal of moving to MD/GitHub). Note that in some "domains" some people will work in word drafts then throw it to another team to turn it into MD/Git/formal vocabularies -
Postponed: We get stuck with the fact that if content writers use defs outside of the terms def directory of that ~, then <dd> is also created there and then my code is messed up because I do not yet know how to target the terms / defs. We suggest to limit: That is why we are just going to say →defs in one place
Action: Kor Dwarshuis will solve this feature that we consider a bug in Spec-Up-T. : https://github.com/trustoverip/spec-up-t/issues/39