- https://zoom.us/rec/j/92692239100?pwd=UmtSQzd6bXg1RHRQYnk4UUEyZkFVUT09
(This link will be replaced with a link to the recording of the meeting as soon as it is available)share/TitxaCYttUN0uQOFK00wm3cg62PTZteBoV6cNXIxy5lQXsphBKPr5ONeTjWH3J4K.LVWB7DUxkMG1DR2z
Philip Feairheller Sam Smith Michael Palage Tim Bouma Bo Harald Petteri Stenius @Daniel Lenksjo Lance Byrd Rodolfo Miranda Henk van Cann Charles Lanahan Ruth Choueka Steven Milstein P Subrahmanyam Kevin Griffin Mark Scott Cole Davis Kent Bull