Main Goal of this meeting: New co-chairs, 2024 objectives and wallet survey analysis
Attendees: Andy W Nicky Hickman Carly Alta Nel Erika Darling Judith Fleenor
Time | Item | Lead | Notes |
5 mins |
| Andy | Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.
5mins | Intro's and updates | Andy | Carly asked about HXWG joining EFWG on 28th March Andy W is joining and to send Carly details of the type of session Judith Fleenor unable to join Carly asked if as potential co-project, or existing work. How do we tell the story of how to 'track down' or reach a state of trustfulness using Trust Registries / Trust Registry Protocol. How do people interface w/Trust Registries to bring about increased trust. Fear that you get 'funnelled into the big ones'. Is there a model about how folks could use trust registries in a socio-centric way rather than a top-down way. Will lead to exclusion of minority voices. See EFWG slack channel (https://www.pestemag.com/read-our-essays/the-pain-of-representing-pain) - bias in the 'naming' of shot-lists, not showing the whole picture despite verifiability of provenance and untampered attributes. e.g. how could you crowd-source provenance and group together to counter-balance the 'big players' in trust registries for provenance (in context) of photo's as an example. Concern about elite take-over, trust marks become badges of power and are dismissed as such. |
5 mins | Chair Voting Discussion | Andy | No formal process required. Only consensus in a WG meeting required. Andy W with support of others is WG Chair Judith Fleenor reinforced that Andy is already doing a great job. Nicky Hickman Vice Chair until we bring others on board |
30mins | Wallet Survey | Andy | |
5 mins | Wallet Survey Action Items |
What are the deliverables? and timelines Judith Fleenor Blog post date and timeline to publicise to ensure it's in the queue 20th All Members Meeting: Updates as usual - survey report status update - highlights 28th EFWG presentation April publication date around IIW dates Blog post at that time November IIW presentation time as still behind - | |
5 mins | 2024 Goals, ideas | Andy W commented great project for 2024 for HXWG = Trust Registries balance of power Judith Fleenor - great next project - good timing as alignment w/ Content Authenticity Initiative. Good alignment w/ other WG's and TF's. Worth considering narrowing the scope. Note this early process https://wiki.trustoverip.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=27724781 for next project design. | |
5mins | AOB & Actions | Alta Nel in next session show repository work including flows with questions! |