Table of Contents |
The Technology Stack Working Group and its Taskforces incubate, design, test and recommend for adoption the components and combinations of technical elements that span all four layers of the ToIP stack and comprise a complete, interoperable instance of the model.
Define (and the Task Forces within it) specifies requirements, specifications, and test suites for the technical architecture of the ToIP stack. For an overview of the ToIP stack, see the Introduction to ToIP white paper.
Define (directly or by reference) the technical standards, test suites, and interoperability certification standards for the Trust over IP architecture stack as defined in Hyperledger Aries RFC 0289 (or its successor as identified in the RFC document itself).
US/EU: meetings are held bi-weekly, every second (TBC)
The TSWG currently holds meetings every two weeks. See the TSWG Meeting Page for the schedule of meetings along with agendas, notes and recordings
from all meetings.
- Laws of Identity (status: PROPOSED) - intended to explain how ToIP maps to Kim Cameron's work.
2021-05-31 ACTION DARRELL - find status (git, Google Doc, etc.) to prepare for CLOSEOUT
Chris B (lead)
DRAFT HERE (Google Docs)
2021-05-31 ACTION DARRELL - find status (git, Google Doc, etc.) to prepare for CLOSEOUT
SSI Principles
MOVED to SC for approval - will drop from TF SOS next meeting.
2021-05-31 ACTION DARRELL - find status (git, Google Doc, etc.) to prepare for CLOSEOUT
Darrell O'Donnell (lead)
Top-Down using HL-Aries for Layers 2/3 and HL-Indy and Trustbloc/Orb as Layer 1 implementations.
GOAL: Get something out. EARLY SKELETON DOC
Glossary is an ongoing effort. Any updates?
"Big 4" should be referencing and be consistent (use terms, introduce new terms if absolutely required).
Foundational RFC Whitepaper Task Force
NEED CLARITY Drummond Reed& Darrell O'Donnell
Decentralization Task Force
Daniel Bachenheimer (Cross Foundation TF Representative)
being handled in UFWG - lead is Jessica Townsend
Technology Stack Task Force
_______ (lead - JUMP IN!)
NEED CLARITY Drummond Reed (Create Wiki page) & Darrell O'Donnell
Q1 Deliverable - as part of the "Big 4" documents.
- Lead
- Participants
Start with TSS0001 as beginning.
CHALLENGE - Review TSS0001 to get a grounding in what is required here.
Content will be extracted from current state of WP0010.
Goal here is to adapt Hyperledger Aries RFC289 into a Tech Spec.
ToIP Stack Design Principles Task Force
See Wiki discussion draft as well as the Big 4 description. Please also see WIP Google Doc.
2021-05-31 works continues - should be getting attention soon
RAISE at next (14JUN2021) meeting Drummond Reed
The table below lists all TSWG deliverables that have been approved to move beyond Pre-Draft status. Bold = current. Non-bold = future. WG members are welcome to follow the links to contribute, either by joining the responsible Task Force (TF) or contributing directly to a deliverable document.
Name of Deliverable | Deliverable Type | Link to Deliverable | Task Force | Status |
Principles of SSI | Recommendation | Completed | ToIP Approved Deliverable | |
Design Principles for the ToIP Stack | Recommendation | Google Document | Working Group Approved Deliverable (2021-11-15) | |
ACDC Specification | Specification | See ACDC TF home page | ACDC TF | Draft Deliverable |
ToIP Technology Architecture Specification | Specification | Google Document | ToIP Technology Architecture TF | Draft Deliverable |
ToIP Layer 1 Specification | Specification | |||
ToIP Layer 2 Specification | Specification | |||
ToIP Layer 3 Specification | Specification | |||
ToIP Layer 4 Specification | Specification | |||
Other potential deliverables discussed by TSWG members:
- Laws of Identity (status: PROPOSED) - intended to explain how ToIP maps to Kim Cameron's work. (Google doc draft here.)
Chairs / Leads
- Chair: Darrell O'Donnell (Continuum Loop)
How to join