Welcome to the SSI Harms Task Force. Thank you for checking us out!
Our TF Meetings are every 2 weeks on Monday at 11am ET = 16:00 UTC = 8:00 PT and a Thursday at 6.00 UTC = 22:00 PT = 7:00 CET = 10:30 IST = 17:00 Melbourne = 13:00 Thailand
(see the ToIP Calendar for details). All those with an interest in or expertise in ethics by design, responsible design and risk management (unlikely partners we know) and social sciences are especially welcome.
You can join our mailing list here https://lists.trustoverip.org/g/SSIHarms
WHY? "Digital identity is literally 'the keys to the kingdom'. It is the tool by which any entity— individual, group, company, community, nation—can be recognized, empowered, protected, and be held accountable in digital society. If we get it right, it can enable safer, more productive, and more equitable interactions. If we get it wrong, it can be a tool of repression, discrimination, harassment, and fraud. So we have an awesome responsibility to design and develop our digital identity systems to protect from these real-world harms." (Drummond Reed 2022)
PURPOSE Write a white paper and a practical self-assessment tool