Guiding Goal: Position Paper template and submission form.
- Welcome (Paul—2.5 mins)
- Newcomer Introductions (WG—2.5 mins)
- Task Force Updates (WG—5 mins)
- Health Care TF (Scott)
- FHIR FG (John)
- Notice & Consent TF (Mark)
- Privacy & Risk TF (Jan)
- Storage & Portability TF (Christoph)
- New website: Trust over IP (Paul Knowles—10 mins)
- Working Groups (ISWG)
The Inputs and Semantics Working Group defines specifications and best practices that bring cohesion to data entry (aka Inputs) and data capture (aka Semantic) processes and standards throughout the ToIP stack whether these standards are hosted at the Linux Foundation or externally.
- Working Group Activity (ISWG)
The Inputs and Semantics Working Group brings diverse minds and opinions together to develop a decentralized key management infrastructure (Inputs domain) and data capture architecture (Semantic domain) for Internet-scale deployment through a series of position papers that bring cohesion to data entry and data capture processes and standards throughout the Trust over IP stack.
Work on things like: Overlays Capture Architecture (OCA) schema specifications; ontology transformation guides (e.g., FHIR-OCA transformation guide); data modeling publications (e.g., Good Health Pass (GHP) Interoperability Blueprint chapter on “Standard Data Models and Elements”); pre-standards specifications (e.g., Privacy Controller credential specification for automating privacy rights; executive summaries; position papers.
- New scope: Inputs and Semantics Working Group (Neil/Steven—30 mins)
- Step 1: Submission Questionnaire (Steven Milstein)
- Step 2: Position Paper (Neil Thomson)
- Logistics and miscellaneous (Paul—5 mins)
- Cross-check between the recently published WHO DDCC specification, the eHealth Network verifiable vaccination certificate specification, and the Good Health Pass OCA data capture specification. Findings. (Paul)
- All reference documents for COVID-19 vaccination certificates are attached below, incl.
- (eHealth Network) vaccination-proof_interoperability-guidelines_en.pdf
- (World Health Organisation) WHO-2019-nCoV-Digital-certificates-vaccination-2021.1-eng.pdf
- (World Health Organisation) WHO-2019-nCoV-Digital-certificates-vaccination-data-dictionary-2021.1-eng.xlsx
- (Good Health Pass) GHP Interoperability Blueprint - V1.0.1.pdf
- (Good Health Pass) GHP_data_capture_global.xlsx
- News from the Operations Team
- Nick Nayfack (Group representative)
- Meeting schedule
Inputs Domain Group weekly meeting
Wednesday, August 18th @ 09:00 US PT / 18.00 CET
Zoom link:
- Notice & Consent TF bi-weekly meeting
Thursday, August 19th @ 08:00 US PT / 17.30 CET
Zoom link:
Privacy & Risk TF bi-weekly meeting
Monday, August 23rd @ 09:00 US PT / 18.00 CET
Zoom link:
Semantic Domain Group weekly meeting
Tuesday, August 24th @ 09:00 US PT / 18.00 CET
Zoom link:
Inputs Domain Group weekly meeting
Wednesday, August 25th @ 09:00 US PT / 18.00 CET
Zoom link:
Meeting Notes
Participants (Name / Location / Time zone / Affiliation):
- Paul Knowles / Basel, Switzerland / CET / Human Colossus Foundation
- Neil Thomson / Ottawa, Canada / EST / QueryVision
- Steven Milstein / Montreal, Canada / EST / Colab Ventures
- Burak Serdar / Denver, CO, USA / MST / Cloud Privacy Labs
- Carly / Guelph, Canada / EST / University of Guelph, Waterloo Centre of Microbial Research
- Mark Lizar / Toronto, Canada / EST / Open Consent Group
- Kevin Dean / Toronto, Canada / EST / GS1 Canada
- John Wunderlich / Toronto, Canada / EST / JLINC Labs
- Vikas Malhotra / New York, NY, USA / EST / WOPLLI Technologies
- P Subrahmanyam / Bay Area, CA, USA / PST / CyberKnowledge
- Mukund Parthasarathy / Bay Area, CA, USA / PST / Independent technologist
- Inputs and Semantics WG
- ISWG Lead: Paul Knowles (Human Colossus Foundation)Operations Team Group Representative: Nick Nayfack (Team Ikigai)
- Inputs Domain Group
- Chair: Robert Mitwicki (Human Colossus Foundation)
- Vice-Chair: Neil Thomson (QueryVision)
- Semantic Domain Group
- Chair: Paul Knowles (Human Colossus Foundation)
- Vice-Chair: John Wunderlich (JLINC Labs)
- Notice & Consent TF
- Chair: Mark Lizar (Open Consent Group)
- Vice-Chair: Salvatore D'Agostino (Open Consent Group)
- Privacy & Risk TF
- Chair: Former user (Deleted) (Linaltec)
- Vice-Chair: Burak Serdar (Cloud Privacy Labs)
- Storage & Portability TF
- Chair: Christoph Fabianek (OwnYourData)
- Vice-Chair(s): Addo Smajic & John Simmons (Source.Network)