Label | Usage |
- priority: critical
- priority: high
- priority: medium
- priority: low
| - Progress on this issue is critical to the group's forward progress.
- It is important for the group to resolve this issue soon.
- This issue is important to resolve before the next release.
- This issue is "nice to have" for the next release, but could be deferred if time runs out.
- type: editorial
- type: content
- type: correction
- type: duplicate
- type: formatting
- type: figure
- type: admin
| - The issue only involves wording and not normative content.
- The issue involves normative content; resolution requires group consensus.
- The issue is fixing a recognized problem in the current version.
- The issue partially or fully overlaps another issue and the two should be merged with another issue on the same subject.
- The issue involves fixing formatting.
- The issue involves a figure that it missing or needs to be revised.
- The issue is administrative and NOT about the deliverable.
- status: unassigned
- status: in-progress
- status: needs-review
- status: blocked
- status: on-hold
- status: deferred
- status: abandoned
- status: PR-needed
- status: PR-in-progress
- status: PR-completed
- status: PR-accepted
- status: PR-merged
- status: last-call
| - The issue is new and has not yet been assigned to anyone.
- The issue has been assigned and work is in progress.
- A resolution (or concrete step forward) has been proposed and needs review.
- Progress is currently blocked; the block should be explained in a comment.
- Progress is currently on hold; the reason should be explained in a comment.
- Consensus has been reached that this issue can be deferred to a subsequent version.
- Consensus has been reached that this issue can be abandoned.
- Consensus has been reached and this issue is now waiting for a PR to be submitted.
- The issue is linked to a PR that is in progress.
- The issue is linked to a PR that is complete and waiting for review.
- The issue is linked to a PR that has been accepted and is waiting for merge.
- The issue is linked to a PR that has been merged; this issue can now be closed.
- The issue has been resolved by some other mechanism documented in the comments and is now in 5 day last call.