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Thursday April 1


2 minWelcome & Antitrust Policy NoticeChair & PM
5 minIntroductionsChair & PM
5 minBackgrounderChair
+Open DiscussionGroup
2 minWrap upChair & PM

Meeting Notes

  1. [Darrell] Anti-trust and membership policy introduction
  2. [Todd] Work at this group and GHP was reflected in conversations at the WHO call of 31Mar
  3. Key interoperability questions - [Darrell] some opening remarks on the topic of trust registries as a solution and where they fit in (are they a solution or a challenge?)
    1. Is there a way to establish transitive trust between different parts of the GHP digital trust ecosystem
      1. [Todd] establishing a globally scalable, jurisdiction specific registry is a challenge eg. X.509 trust registries - how do we work with those?
      2. [Darrell] analogy of lanes/queues to describe the nub of the issue
      3. [Julian] ‘who is being registered in these registry’ - assumption is people making the tests and vaccines (this massive trust registry is impossible) a short term solution is that the people who provide the trust (the app providers) provide it directly when presenting credentials.


Steve Magennis : I believe items 5-11 below is where our focus needs to be and where we can offer real value. Items 1-4 are deep, complex issues that need to be resolved well in advance of the actual act of verification. These decisions will almost certainly be fluid and driven by a complicated mix of policy makers, corporate lawyers, industry advocates, public health professionals and public opinion.
