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  • Andre Kudra indicated the WG continues to be focused on helping others be able to jump-start utility projects by sharing approaches and lessons-learned from utilities already in place.
  • Upcoming work will include educational sessions based on the experiences of existing utility operators.
  • Finally, he reiterated the need for volunteers and member contributions to this work.

Ecosystem Foundry

  • Karl Kneis NnKneis identified key deliverables that are contained in the Ecosystem Foundry “Solution Pack” as well as a variety of White Papers under development.
  • The WG is focused on expanding its engagement with members and other WGs, and encouraged members to bring use cases forward for discussion. These are fuel for the work.
  • He recognized the leadership of Karen Hand in establishing the White Paper Taskforce which is intended to play a coordinating role among WGs and orchestrate messaging to stay focused on our “north star” as a Foundation.
  • Key challenges include staying focused by only retaining as many taskforces as are required to meet objectives and produce deliverables. He also emphasized the on-going need to foster cross-WG collaboration.
  • RJ Reiser was welcomed as new co-Vhair of this WG.

Inputs & Semantics

  • nn
  • nn