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Meeting Date


5 min

Start recording
Welcome & Antitrust Policy Notice
Introduction of new members
Agenda review

20 minsReview the hyperlinking proposalDaniel HardmanSee Hyperlinking proposal (one specific component of PR #45 below)
20 mins

Review the updated spec (after Daniel Hardman's action items) and any other WG input and decide about merging

AllSee CTWG PR #45
10 minsDiscuss requesting a bounty from the ToIP Steering CommitteeChairs
5 minsReview of Decisions and Action Items and planning for next meeting Chairs


  • link to the fileLINK


  • link to the file



  1. New members
  2. Review the Hyperlinking proposal - Daniel Hardman
    1. This is the most significant aspect of the proposed spec - see slide #1 below.
    2. Daniel articulated that the scope of what he's proposing are basic hyperlinks represented in a standard way—see slide #2.
    3. Michael brought up the possibility of compound links or link relationship objects such as ArchiMate can do (he provided this example).
    4. Daniel felt that was more complex that we had the ability to take on.
    5. We next discussed Fully Qualified Links and their requirements, including:
      1. Attribution to the source.
      2. Diagrams.
      3. Usage examples.
    6. Cross-scope links must be able to be converted to fully-qualified links.
      1. These are links that are within the corpus but not within the same scope.
      2. That means they cross two folders within the same overall CTWG repo, but they are not within the same repo.
      3. This led to a discussion of the proposed Internal Data Model—see slide #3.
      4. We clarified that a scope can be any curated subset of the corpus.
      5. That raised the topic of whether there would be an "uber" scope at the top level.
        1. Daniel said no.
        2. But then we discussed having a "toip" scope that would be curated either by the CTWG or by a Task Force within it.
        3. Scott Whitmireasked who the governance authorities (GAs) would be.
        4. Drummond Reedproposed that every scope have an associated GA.
    7. Michael Michaelbrought up the attribution requirement per the CC by SS Licenses.
      1. Should also be in the hovertext.
  3. Review the updated CTWG tooling spec (CTWG PR #45 after Daniel Hardman's action items) and any other WG input and decide about merging
  4. Discuss requesting a bounty from the ToIP Steering Committee
  5. Review of Decisions and Action Items and planning for next meeting
    1. We agreed to hold a special meeting next Monday at the same time.
    2. Dan Gisolfiproposed that everyone come to the meeting prepared with any questions or issues.
