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<DAY> March <#>


2 minWelcome & Antitrust Policy NoticeChair
10 minIntroductionsChair & PM
5 minBackgrounderChair
XY min

Good Health Pass Blueprint Review


XY min WHO Registry GuidanceTBC
5 min


3 minWrap upChair 

Welcome and Linux Foundation antitrust policy -


[Drummond] What Marcos just explained is exactly why DID architecture


Image Added

  1. [Marcos] Now let's go to the diagrams and to see how we are proposing this to work in alignment with the World Health Organization.
    1. We are trying to convince WHO that verifiable credentials are the right way to specify these things, and DIDs were created because verifiable credentials needed some kind of identifiers and registries first.
  2. [Kaliya] CCI is trying to convince Europe of this - Marco - maybe you can share this with us in that group too and it can build on the work the Greek guys are doing in this area
  3. Some countries don’t have a PKI infrastructure but they at least have a HSM 
