Communications Committee Update
- The Communications Committee is a sub-committee that operates under the Syeering Committee.
- First meeting has taken place, focusing on key messages for the market, possibility of creating webinar series to explain how TOIP applies in different contexts, need for infographics and easily-consumable products.
- Members invited to reach out to David Luchuk to get involved.
Research Agenda and Survey
- G Laatikainen (Univ of Jyväskylä) has developed an all-member survey and draft paper to identify a research agenda for ToIP based o questions that researchers and practitioners can help the community answer.
- Call-out to members for volunteers to review these products.
Human Experience Working Group Update
- Planning meetings for this WG continue to proceed. Official charter has not yet been finalized.
- Strong consideration being given to holding facilitated workshops in order to clarify scope of work and opportunities to engage broad viewpoints and voices.
SpecUp walkthrough event
- Lightweight and simple editing tool for specs.
- Demonstration event for ToIP members - Sept 23 at 1pm EST.
2020-08-19 Meeting (Open Conversation Edition)