Send an email to decentralized-semantics-wg@lists.trustoverip.org to request a calendar invite (you can subscribe to the mailing list at lists.trustoverip.org).
Guiding Goal: Delving into schema extensions.
- Welcome (Paul—2.5 mins)
- Newcomer Introductions (WG, 2.5 mins)
- Task Force Updates (WG, 5 mins)
- Imaging TF (Scott/Moira)
- Medical Information TF (Scott/Moira)
- FHIR-OCA Object Transformation FG (Mukund/John)
- Notice & Consent TF (Mark/Sal)
Presentation: Self-sovereign Consent DNA Bitmaps (Presented by Jay Glasgow—30 mins)
Ref.: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uHwHgHoxkI17JX6PkZcKxT0cxHw6kfxzAnnVbEQpjIw/edit
- In line with using a VC as a component for transitive trust, the WG may wish to explore the notion of adding an attribute into a Consent VC that contains a DRI (Decentralized Resource Identifier), such as a hashlink, that points to a Consent DNA Bitmap under the governance of the holder.
Discussion: Schema extensions (continuation of discussion from 9/8) (Open discussion—5 mins)
- Option 1 (horizontal link)
- Daisy-chain an extension schema base (a.) to another extension schema base or (b.) to the parent schema base
- Suggested meta attribute: daisy_chain
- Option 2 (embedded link)
- JSON-LD-style reference to the original schema base when defining extension attributes
- Suggested meta attribute: @id
- Option 1 (horizontal link)
OCA schema base library extensions (John Walker-2.5 mins)
e.g. JSON-LD parsing extensions
OCA entry lists library and standards based list lookups (John Walker-2.5 mins)
- These would most likely be used
Most likely referenced in entry overlays (e.g. Country codes, etc.)
- These would most likely be used
- Support / definition for additional optional overlays not defined in the original specification (John Walker-5 mins)
- e. g. Educational link overlay, a reference link to supplemental material germaine to the schema instance but not captured at the time of schema creation
Logistics (Paul—5 mins)
- Chairs
- Meeting schedule
FHIR-OCA Object Transformation FG weekly meeting
- Thursday, September 17th @ 07:00 US PT / 16.00 CET
- Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/93406719136?pwd=SUozZHBQM0N5TUhYMHJqL0ZQM3l3Zz09
Meeting Notes
Participants (Name / Location / Time zone / Affiliation):
- Paul Knowles / Basel, Switzerland / CET / Human Colossus Foundation
- Robert Mitwicki / Graz, Austria / CET / Human Colossus Foundation
Leadership positions:
(Note: We plan to instigate an official submissions, nominations and voting process. In the meantime, please put your name down if you are interested in volunteering for either a Chair or Vice-chair position.)
- Decentralized Semantics WG
- Chair volunteers
- Paul Knowles (Human Colossus Foundation)
- Vice-chair volunteers
- John Wunderlich (JLINC Labs)
- Nick Nayfack (Team Ikigai)
- Chair volunteers