14, July 2020 — 09:00-10:00 PT / 16:00-17:00 UTC
Guiding Goal: Organize the working group.
- Welcome (Paul—5 mins)
- Mission and scope of this WG (Paul—5 mins)
- Characteristics of a decentralized network
- Mission: To define a data capture architecture consisting of immutable schema bases and interoperable overlays for Internet-scale deployment.
- Overlays Capture Architecture (OCA)
- Newcomer Introductions (WG, 15 min)
- Presentation: Overlays Capture Architecture (OCA) (Paul-20 mins)
- Live demo: Overlays Capture Architecture (OCA) (Robert-20 mins)
- OCA Editor - https://editor.oca.argo.colossi.network
- OCA Repository - https://repository.oca.argo.colossi.network
- OCA source code - https://github.com/thclab
- Logistics (Paul—5 mins)
- Chairs
- Meeting schedule
Meeting Notes
Participants (Name / Location / Time zone / Affiliation):