11, August 2020 — 09:00-10:00 PT / 16:00-17:00 UTC
- Welcome (Paul—5 mins)
- Newcomer Introductions (WG, 5 mins)
- Task Force Updates (WG, 10 mins)
- Imaging TF (Scott/Moira)
- Medical Information TF (Scott/Moira)
- Notice & Consent TF (Mark/Sal)
Pros and cons of adding a reference type attribute into the schema base metadata block (Group discussion led by Mukundan Parthasarathy/John Walker—10 mins)
- Discussion led by the FHIR-OCA object transformation team. By adding "reference type" into the schema base metadata, this would allow, for example, a one-one correspondence between FHIR representation and its corresponding OCA schema base. Of course we would assume that the entire graph of dependencies would be in the same namespace/registry, each with it's own hashlink. Verification would be bottom-up, as would be code generation. To discuss.
Defining an architecture for file format (Group discussion led by Robert—10 mins)
- A discussion re architecture for file format will cover the requirements of any teams wishing to implement OCA for collaborative content creation or site generation.
OCA specification document (Robert—10 mins)
- A specification template has been prepared for collaborative input. It can be used to discuss the flow and to enable a roadmap for OCA specification requirements. We envisage the document to be defined in the form of a RFC which will allow people to submit comments to be discussed and subsequently approved for specification inclusion.
- Ref.: https://the-human-colossus-foundation.github.io/oca-spec/
Trust over IP on Eleventy demonstration (Steven Milstein—10 mins)
- Using the COVID-19 Credentials Initiative (“CCI”) Governance Framework V2 as an example, Steven demonstrates how the Eleventy tool can be utilised as a static site generator for document intra -interoperability & potential reusability between Task Forces.
- Ref.: https://priceless-dubinsky-57bc51.netlify.app/deliverables/covid-trust-triangle/
- Logistics (Paul—5 mins)
- Chairs
- Meeting schedule
Meeting Notes
- Paul Knowles / Basel, Switzerland / CET / Human Colossus Foundation
- Robert Mitwicki / Graz, Austria / CET / Human Colossus Foundation
- Vipin Bharathan / New York City, NY, USA / EDT / dlt.nyc
- John Walker / Bay Area, USA / PDT / SemanticClarity
- Mike Bennett (Deactivated) / London, UK / BST / IOTA
- Scott Whitmire / Scottsdale, AZ, USA / MST / Mayo Clinic
- Scott Warner / Bend, OR, USA / PDT / Secours.io
- Anadi Pandharkar / Vancouver, Canada / PDT / Blockchain@UBC
- Burak Serdar / Denver, CO, USA / MST / Cloud Privacy Labs
- Carly Huitema / Kitchener, Canada / EDT / University of Guelph, Waterloo Centre of Microbial Research
- Chris Ingrao (Deactivated) / Greater Seattle Area, WA / PDT / Lumedic
- Jim StClair / Biloxi, MS, USA / CDT / Dinocrates Group
- John Wunderlich / Toronto, Canada / EDT / JLINC Labs
- Mark Lizar / Toronto, Canada / EDT / Open Consent Group
- Michael Corning / Sisters, OR, USA / PDT / Secours.io
- Mukund Parthasarathy / Bay Area, USA / PDT / SemanticClarity
- Rieks Joosten / Groningen, The Netherlands / CET / TNO
- sankarshan / Bengaluru, India / IST / Dhiway
- Steven Milstein / Montreal, Canada / EDT / Colab Ventures
- Subra Subramaniam / Bay Area, USA / PDT / CyberKnowledge
- Vinod Panicker / Kerala, India / IST / Wipro
- Zeljko Milinovic / Graz, Austria / CET / KNAPP
- Philippe Page / Geneva, Switzerland / CET / Human Colossus Foundation